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Saint Peter's Square
Fourth Sunday of Easter, 17 April 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
Today’s Gospel (Jn 10:27-30) offers us some of Jesus’ expressions during the feast of the dedication of the Temple of Jerusalem, which is celebrated at the end of December. He is found on the Temple grounds, and perhaps that enclosed sacred space suggested to Him the image of the sheepfold and the shepherd. Jesus is presented as “the Good Shepherd”, and says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me; and I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand” (vv. 27-28). These words help us to understand that no one can call himself a follower of Jesus, if he does not listen to His voice. And this “listening” should not be understood in a superficial way, but in an engaging way, to the point of making possible a true mutual understanding, from which one can come to a generous following, expressed in the words, ‘and they follow me’ (v. 27). It is a matter of listening not only with ears, but listening with the heart!

And so, the image of the shepherd and the sheep indicates the close relationship that Jesus wants to establish with each one of us. He is our guide, our teacher, our friend, our model, but above all he is our Saviour. In fact, the following expressions from the Gospel passage affirm, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand” (v. 28). Who can say that? Only Jesus, because the “hand” of Jesus is one thing with the “hand” of the Father, and the Father is “greater than all” (cf. v. 29).

These words communicate to us a sense of absolute security and immense tenderness. Our life is fully secure in the hands of Jesus and the Father, which are a single thing: a unique love, a unique mercy, revealed once and for all in the sacrifice of the Cross. To save the lost sheep which we all are, the Shepherd became lamb, and let himself be immolated so as to take upon himself and to take away the sin of the world. In this way he has given us life, life in abundance (cf. Jn 10:10)! This mystery is renewed, in an always surprising humility, on the Eucharistic table. It is there that the sheep gather to nourish themselves; it is there that they become one, among themselves and with the Good Shepherd.

Because of this we are no longer afraid: our life is now saved from perdition. Nothing and no one can take us from the hands of Jesus, because nothing and no one can overcome his love. Jesus’ love is invincible. The evil one, the great enemy of God and of his creatures, attempts in many ways to take eternal life from us. But the evil one can do nothing if we ourselves do not open the doors of our hearts to him, by following his deceitful enticements.

The Virgin Mary heard and obediently followed the voice of the Good Shepherd. May she help us to welcome with joy Jesus’ invitation to become his disciples, and to always live in the certainty of being in the paternal hands of the Father.

After the Regina Caeli:
Dear brothers and sisters, I thank those who accompanied in prayer the visit that I made yesterday to the island of Lesvos, Greece. I brought the Church’s solidarity to the refugees and to the people of Greece. With me were Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew and Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece, signifying unity in the charity of all the Lord’s disciples. We visited the camps of refugees who have come from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Africa, from many countries… We greeted approximately 300 of these refugees, one by one, all three of us: Patriarch Bartholomew, Archbishop Ieronymos and myself. Many of them were children, some of them — these children — witnessed the death of their parents, companions, some of whom had drowned in the sea. They have seen so much pain! And I want to speak of a special individual: a man, not 40 years of age. I met him yesterday with his two children. He is Muslim and was married to a young Christian woman. They loved and respected each other. However unfortunately the young woman was beheaded by terrorists because she did not want to renounce Christ and abandon her faith. She is a martyr! And this man wept so much....

Last night a violent earthquake struck Ecuador, causing many deaths and extensive damage. Let us pray for these people and also for Japan where there have been several earthquakes in recent days. May the aid of God and of brothers give them strength and support.

Today is the World Day of Prayer for Vocations. We are invited to pray for vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. This morning I ordained 11 new priests. I renew my greeting to the newly ordained priests, to their families and friends; and I invite all priests and seminarians to participate in their Jubilee, in the first three days of June. Think, dear young people, boys and girls, in the Square, about whether the Lord is calling you to consecrate your life to his service through the priesthood or consecrated life.

I wish everyone a happy Sunday. Please do not forget to pray for me. Have a good lunch. Arrivederci!

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Ehi adesso come stai? 
Tradita da una storia finita 
E di fronte a te l'ennesima salita. 
Un po' ti senti sola, 
Nessuno che ti possa ascoltare, 
Che divida con te i tuoi guai. 
Mai! tu non molare mai! 

Rimani come sei, 
Insegui il tuo destino, 
Perché tutto il dolore che hai dentro 
Non potrà mai cancellare il tuo cammino 
E allora scoprirai 
Che la storia di ogni nostro minuto 
Appartiene soltanto a noi. 
Ma se ancora resterai, 
Persa senza una ragione 
In un mare di perché 

Dentro te ascolta il tuo cuore 
E nel silenzio troverai le parole. 
Chiudi gli occhi e poi tu lasciati andare, 
Prova a arrivare dentro il pianeta del cuore 

È difficile capire 
Qual è la cosa giusta da fare 
Se ti batte nella testa un'emozione. 
L'orgoglio che ti piglia, 
Le notti in cui il rimorso ti sveglia 
Per la paura di sbagliare, 
Ma se ti ritroverai 
Senza stelle da seguire 
Tu non rinunciare mai 

Credi in te! Ascolta il tuo cuore! 
Fai quel che dice anche se fa soffrire. 
Chiudi gli occhi e poi tu lasciati andare, 
Prova a volare oltre questo dolore. 

Non ti ingannerai 
Se ascolti il tuo cuore, 
Apri le braccia fino quasi a toccare 
Ogni mano, ogni speranza, ogni 
sogno che vuoi 
Perché poi ti porterà fino al cuore 
di ognuno di noi. 

Ogni volta, che non sai cosa fare, 
Prova a volare, dentro il pianeta del cuore. 

Tu tu prova a volare 
Do do do dov'è il pianeta del cuore. 

Tu tu tu dentro il pianeta del cuore 

Saint Peter's Square
Third Sunday of Easter, 10 April 2016

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
Today’s Gospel recounts the third apparition of the Risen Jesus to the disciples, with the account of the miraculous catch on the shore of the lake of Galilee (cf. Jn 21:1-19). The narrative is situated in the context of the everyday life of the disciples, who returned to their land and to their work as fishermen, after the shocking days of the passion, death and resurrection of the Lord. It was difficult for them to understand what had taken place. Even though everything seemed finished, Jesus “seeks” his disciples once more. It is He who goes to seek them. This time he meets them at the lake, where they have spent the night in their boats catching nothing. The nets appear empty, in a certain sense, like the tally of their experience with Jesus: they met him, they left everything to follow him, full of hope... and now? Yes, they saw he was risen, but then they were thought: “He went away and left us.... It was like a dream...”.

So it is that at sunrise Jesus presents himself on the lakeshore; however they do not recognize him (cf. v. 4). The Lord says to those tired and disappointed fishermen: “Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some” (v. 6). The disciples trust in Jesus and the result is an incredibly abundant catch. At this point John turns to Peter and says: “It is the Lord!” (v. 7). Right away Peter throws himself into the water and swims to the shore, toward Jesus. In that exclamation: “It is the Lord!”, there is all the enthusiasm of the Paschal faith, full of joy and wonder, which sharply contrasts with the disappearance, the dejection, the sense of powerlessness that had accumulated in the disciples’ hearts. The presence of the Risen Jesus transforms everything: darkness has become light, futile work has again become fruitful and promising, the sense of weariness and abandonment give way to a new impetus and to the certainty that He is with us.

From that time, these same sentiments enliven the Church, the Community of the Risen One. All of us are the community of the Risen One! At first glance it might sometimes seem that the darkness of evil and the toil of daily living have got the upper hand, the Church knows with certainty that the now everlasting light of Easter shines upon those who follow the Lord Jesus. The great message of the Resurrection instills in the hearts of believers profound joy and invincible hope. Christ is truly risen! Today too, the Church continues to make this joyous message resound: joy and hope continue to flow in hearts, in faces, in gestures, in words. We Christians are all called to communicate this message of resurrection to those we meet, especially to those who suffer, to those who are alone, to those who find themselves in precarious conditions, to the sick, to refugees, to the marginalized. Let us make a ray of the light of the Risen Christ, a sign of his powerful mercy, reach everyone.

May he, the Lord, also renew in us the Paschal faith. May he render us ever more aware of our mission at the service of the Gospel and of our brothers and sisters; may he fill us with his Holy Spirit so that, sustained by the intercession of Mary, with all the Church we may proclaim the greatness of his love and the abundance of his mercy.

After the Regina Caeli:
Dear brothers and sisters, in the hope given to us by the Risen Christ, I renew my appeal for the liberation of all people who have been seized in areas of armed conflict; in particular I would like to remember the Salesian priest Tom Uzhunnalil, abducted in Aden, Yemen on 4 March.

I greet you all, people of Rome and pilgrims from Italy and from various parts of the world.

I thank the parish choirs for their presence; some of them have lent their service in recent days in St Peter’s Basilica. Thank you very much! I wish everyone a happy Sunday. Please do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch. Arrivederci!

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