Halloween party ideas 2015
Showing posts with label THAILAND. Show all posts



Di Thailand, bulan Rosario bisa mengalahkan Misa hari Minggu. Ada banyak fakta yang membuktikannya. Memang antara keduanya tidak ada persaingan. Kalau bersaing menjadi orang beriman, bisa saja.


Gereja kami selalu penuh tiap malam. Saat berdoa Rosario. Sudah lebih dari 10 hari, kami berdoa bersama Bunda Maria. Antusias umat cukup tinggi. Saya selalu menghitung jumlah yang datang. Sampai sekarang minimal 80-an orang. Maksimalnya bisa sampai 120-an. Jumlah ini memang kecil dibanding Misa hari Minggu, yang sampai 400-an orang. Tapi, itukan hanya sekali seminggu. Meski doanya tiap malam, umat tidak pernah merasa bosan. Ada wajah-wajah yang selalu hadir. Kesetiaan rupanya menjadi pelajaran penting di bulan ini. Boleh jadi mereka juga belajar dari kesetiaan Bunda Maria.


Tak terhitung jumlahnya pengalaman di mana iman Maria diuji. Mulai dari kabar malaikat Gabriel bahwa Maria akan mengandung dari Roh Kudus. Tapi tak terhitung pula kesetiaan Maria menjadi makin kuat. Tak sekali pun Maria tergoda untuk menolak arahan malaikat. Maria memang adalah ibu dari kesetiaan. Bersama Maria, semoga kita juga menjadi orang Katolik yang setia pada iman dan kepercayaan.


Menjadi setia memang adalah tantangan dalam beriman Katolik. Meski ajarannya sangat ketat soal ini, misalnya dalam hal perkawinan, toh ada juga pasangan yang tidak setia. Bahkan ada pasangan Katolik yang karena satu dan lain hal mengingkari kesetiaan yang dijanjikan itu. Ini tentu amat menodai pasangan yang setia bahkan sampai merayakan pesta perak dan emas perkawinan. Atau juga para Romo yang merayakan pesta emas tahbisan. Ini adalah contoh kita dalam hal kesetiaan.


Di Thailand, tantangan kesetiaan itu makin besar. Kecenderungan untuk menengok agama Buddha amat besar. Tak jarang, mereka enggan bergabung dengan agama Katolik karena ketatnya ajaran kesetiaan ini. Tidak semua memang membenci ajaran kesetiaan. Ada yang justru memuji sampai menjatuhkan pilihan untuk menjadi Katolik karena kesetiaan ini. Kesetiaan rupanya bak pedang bermata dua. Meski pada prinsipnya, kesetiaan itu adalah nilai yang harus diperjuangkan. Tidak ada kandungan ajaran positif di dalamnya. Toh, ada juga yang membenci kesetiaan karena nafsu untuk tidak setia.


Di hadapan Maria, Bunda yang setia, kesetiaan itu seolah-olah hidup kembali. Umat Katolik dari paroki kami mulai bangun dari tidur panjangnya. Tiap malam, wajah-wajah lama bermunculan. Sudah lama mereka tidak melihat gereja. Di bulan ini, Bunda Maria seolah-olah menarik mereka ke gereja. Mereka boleh tidak setia pada gereja, tapi di depan Bunda Maria mereka akhirnya takluk juga.


Rasa terima kasih kami sampaikan pada sang Bunda. Karena dia, umat kami kembali ke rumah Allah. Di hadapan ketidaksetiaan umatnya, Bunda Maria membantu memulihkan rahmat kesetiaan itu. Orang-orang Thailand tentu tunduk pada pemerintah dan kerajaan, tapi tidak tunduk (secara total) pada agama. Paling tidak jika kita amati bagaimana umat beragama menghidupi nilai-nilai keagamaan. Orang Buddha misalnya masih tidak setia pada ajaran Buddha. Mereka memang menghormati dan memberi sedekah pada para Bhiksu yang turun di jalan-jalan tiap pagi. Tapi, mereka lupa bahwa kemabukan karena minuman beralkohol juga adalah bentuk ketidaksetiaan pada ajaran agama. Demikian juga dengan orang-orang Katolik yang kadang-kadang lebih mendewakan para Romo daripada menghayati iman personal kepada Allah. 


Di hadapan Bunda Maria, kami ingin mempersembahkan ketidaksetiaan kami ini. Mungkin tidak elok dipandang, ketidaksetiaan kok dipersembahkan pada Bunda Maria. Tapi, inilah kami dengan kerapuhan yang terang-terangan kami alami dan kami hidupi. Bersama Bunda yang setia, semoga kami pun tunduk dan takluk pada ajakan Bunda Maria, untuk menjadi pribadi yang setia. Ya Bunda, tariklah kami pada kakimu yang setia menggendong Yesus Putra Allah selama dalam kandunganmu.


Km 48, 11/10/22



Bulan Rosario adalah bulan penuh kenangan. Salah satunya adalah persembahan makanan setelah doa Rosario. Meskipun kadang merepotkan, sisipan ini justru menarik anak-anak untuk ikut berdoa.


Seperti teman-teman lainnya, saya pun mengingat ini. Saat bulan Rosario (Oktober) atau bulan Maria (Mei) datang, kenangan ini hadir di setiap perbincangan kami. Unsur makanan ini membuat kami anak-anak semangat ikut berdoa dari rumah ke rumah.


Hal ini turut membentuk iman kami. Secara tidak langsung, kami sadar bahwa kenangan masa kecil itu membuat kami ingat akan Tuhan. Memang makanan itu disiapkan oleh pemilik rumah, tapi kami yakin bahwa itu adalah bentuk anugerah dari Tuhan. Maka, dalam mendaraskan peristiwa-peristiwa Rosario, kami pun dilatih untuk ikut berdoa. Memohon rejeki bagi kami semua dan terutama bagi mereka yang belum mendapatkannya. Lantunan doa seperti ini secara perlahan membuat kami peka dengan kebutuhan orang lain. Kami pun dilatih untuk bersedekah kepada orang kelaparan. Apalagi anak-anak seperti kami.


Kebiasaan ini rupanya ada juga di Thailand. Di paroki kami, kebiasaan menyediakan makanan ringan setelah doa Rosario, rutin diadakan tiap malam. Sekitar 3-4 rumah bertanggung jawab untuk menyiapkan snack. Malam ini, setelah bosan dengan snack kacang, roti, dan minuman ringan, kelompok menyediakan nasi soto. Enak sekali. Suhu dingin di pegunungan cocok untuk soto hangat dicampur setengah pedas. Doanya terasa lengkap. 


Saking enaknya, banyak umat yang hadir. Biasanya 70-80 orang. Tapi, malam ini sampai 90-an lebih. Ada yang datang hanya untuk menikmati soto. Sebab, mereka datang dan duduk di luar. Tentu ini menodai kesetiaan dari mereka yang rajin dan tekun berdoa. Mestinya diingat bahwa menikmati makanan adalah bagian kedua. Doa tetap jadi bagian pertama. Namun, tidak apa-apa. Lapar adalah bagian dari keseharian. Iman tidak akan pernah pisah dari keseharian kita. Semoga makanan ini tidak saja menarik mereka untuk datang ke gereja, tapi juga untuk terus menerus berdoa, memohon anugerah dan rejeki dari Allah. Dengan demikian, usaha mereka diberkati oleh Allah.


Km 48, 4/10/22



Kita biasanya tak terlalu peduli dengan takaran iman. Apalagi itu sulit. Iman tidak berwujud. Tidak bertakaran juga. Takarannya hanya dengan tingkat kepercayaan. Tapi itu pun hanya bersifat interen saja. Yang keluar tetap tak bisa dilihat dan dibuktikan.


Iman hanya bisa diukur jika ada peristiwa terkait. Yang menyinggung soal kepercayaan. Memang antara percaya dan iman itu saling terkait. Orang yang percaya Tuhan adalah orang yang beriman pada Tuhan. Tapi, iman jangan dicampur dengan agama. Orang beragama tidak otomatis jadi orang beriman. Jika taat bergama, ia akan jadi orang beragama. Tapi belum tentu disebut orang beriman. Iman sekali lagi terkait dengan kepercayaan, dan tidak terkait dengan kepatuhan pada agama.


Iman mestinya bersifat penuh. Berarti tingkat kepercayaannya juga penuh. Tidak ada kata setengah. Kalau pun itu ada, mesti ditambahkan. Inilah yang disampaikan para murid pada Yesus. Mereka—yang meski berada dekat Yesus—rupanya kurang beriman. Mereka memang punya iman tapi kadarnya sedikit. Karena sedikit, iman mereka tidak mampu mengubah orang jahat jadi orang baik. Tapi mereka sadar akan kelemahan ini, sehingga memohon pada Yesus: tambahkanlah iman kami. 


Betapa sering kita tidak berlaku seperti para rasul Yesus. Hanya ke gereja sedikit saja, tapi sudah anggap diri orang beriman. Ini tanda kesombongan rohani. Baru berdoa satu kali saja, sudah bisa anggap diri punya iman yang kuat. Parahnya lagi mau mengontrol dan menilai orang lain. Kesombongan ini membuat kita cenderung mengadili orang lain. Padahal, iman itu membuat kita merasa rendah hati. Anggap diri kecil, sehingga ada ruang untuk menjadi besar. Kesombongan rohani adalah tanda bahwa orang itu sudah besar, tak perlu pertolongan orang lain. Termasuk dari Tuhan. Bukan, bukan, bukan ini tanda orang beriman. Ini tanda orang sombong.


Tuhan, kadang kami merasa sudah beriman, padahal belum sama sekali. Kadang kami hanya mengikuti kegiatan keagamaan, tapi anggap diri sudah beriman. Kami sadar, iman kami tidak seberapa. Oleh karena itu Tuhan, seperti para rasul-Mu, kami memohon: tambahkanlah iman kami.


Km 48, 2/10/22



Bulan Oktober adalah Bulan Rosario. Melalui Doa Rosario, kita diingatkan akan Bunda Maria. Bunda Allah, Bunda Yesus, Bunda kita semua. Dalam diri Maria, kita melihat figur seorang pendengar yang baik. Memang Maria selalu mendengarkan malaikat yang menjadi perantara antara Allah dan dirinya (manusia). Meskipun ada keraguan, Maria tetap mau mendengar seruan malaikat, dan menyimpan semua keraguannya dalam hati. Seperti Maria, kadang kita ragu akan banyak hal dalam hidup. Termasuk dalam mengimani Allah, kita pun ragu. Baik jika dalam Bulan Rosario ini, kita memperbarui iman kita. Dengan berdoa kepada Maria, Ibu yang selalu mendengarkan jeritan hati anak-anaknya.

Malam ini, di paroki kami, hadir untuk berdoa Rosario sekitar 74 orang. Dari anak-anak sampai dewasa dan lansia. Kami percaya, Maria lah yang menyatukan kami. Karena dalam diri Maria, kami melihat figur sang Ibu. Dengan lembut hati, Maria mendengar doa-doa kami. Bersama Maria, doa kami sampai kepada Allah di surga. 


Selamat memulai Bulan Rosario.


Km 48, 1/10/22


“Your culture is your brand,” Tony Hsieh. I agree with this. It was a great moment for me to know their brand. There are so many “mountain tribes” in our parish. I show this picture with some custom clothes. There are Akha Tribe, Lahoo, Hmong, Musee, and China. I was happy to stay among them, among their brands. Now, it has become my brand also. I am among them not only in this picture but also in daily life. As Tony Hsieh mentioned, we also love our culture. That is our brand. 

Thanks for your invitation to be among you at this great moment.


Around five days already I arrived in this new place. I remember when my friends accompanied me to come here. It was a sad day for us. Both for me and for them. One of them, until now, still feels sad. She realized that we will miss someone not because of his absence now, but because of his presence before. Like for her, we also have this kind of feeling to our friends or family. Our presence among others created a kind of deep relationship. When we get it, we try to keep it like a baby who never stays far away from his Mom.

The presence of Jesus among His followers created a kind of relationship. Even they didn’t understand this presence, they still have a relationship. The coming back of Jesus to His Father created a new looseness for them. Jesus knows this very well, so that He sends them the Advocate who will accompany them.

I can not leave someone in my place for my friends. So, her sadness will remain as a part of her daily life. But, I believe that Jesus will send the same Advocate for my friends. May the Lord Bless them and make our presence as a grace for others. 


I was touched by what our faithful told me, “Thank you so much father for your presence.” She said this after the confession and received the holy communion. It was in the hospital where she is in these some days later.

This happens not by my planning. One Sister from our parish community invited me to visit our faithful. I can say that God comes to remind me through the Sister. I remember when last week the Bishop told us as the Priest to visit our faithful in this difficult moment. What happened on this day is, in another way, the implementation of what Bishop said. I never imagine the situation that our beloved faithful can feel in our visiting.

All things happen outside of my imagination. We brought the holy communion more than one piece. No one can imagine, God reminds us to bring it like that. Then, we found that four people need holy communion. Today, the Lord comes to answer their desire to receive the holy communion, after two months without Eucharistic celebration.

In the Gospel of today, Jesus not only leaves us His peace, but also continue to bring His peace to all of us. I still remember those words, “Father, thank you so much for your presence today. I can confess and receive the holy communion. I am really happy.” I think what she said is the mirror of her peaceful heart. I bring the holy communion and God brings her a peaceful heart.

Thank you so much for your family. I pray for you. May the Lord continue to give you strong faith and strengthen to face this difficult moment. Thank you also to you Sister who make me able to visit our beloved faithful.


Wise personages exist everywhere. Choose the right moment to get it. Wise thought will come out easily. 

I ask the question to my friend, a volunteer from Australia, during our trip long 72 km three days ago. “Why you don’t come back to your country in this difficult time because of the covid-19 pandemic?” I ask this because her friend came back to Australia two months ago. They supposed to stay as a volunteer in Thailand for two years. My friend replied that she needs to stay here because this is part of her mission. For me, her decision not only right but also very smart. She chooses to be a volunteer until the end of her mission. 

In today’s Gospel, Jesus said, “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God, have faith also in me.” The trouble can come from any side of life. No one knows when it can be a danger for life. Only those who have a strong belief can counter the trouble. When they stand on their belief, they will feel comfortable. They can encounter trouble.

Our belief has any kind of trouble. If we have strong faith in Jesus, we can combat it. If not, we will be in trouble for an unpredictable period. Let us pray for those who face the difficult moments, may the Lord bless them, give them a strong faith. The follower of Jesus must be a strong believer. 

Hundred Islands
How can we be the light for others if we love the darkness?

Become a light is significant. Many people try to find the light when they walk into a dark place. When our heart is in the darkness because of many problems, we want to see the light from others. Some of us want to see God, hope in His light. Being light is only one side of our life. Another part is the dark lover. Even God comes to bring light for us, we still love the darkness.

Today’s Gospel reminds us to be a light for others. We need the light of our Lord. We may be like the moon, and God remains as the Sun. We receive the light from Him, and we share it with others. I remember this idea when my friend interrogated me. He asked me to choose between becoming the Sun or the moon. I chose to become the moon because his light is cold and clear. We see the moonlight only in the night when the temperature is cold. Moonlight is also very clear because no other light in the night. My friend then explained to me just like I said before. Are you ready to become the light for others?

Lord, give us your light
May we project your light to others
Help us to become a moon to receive your light
Thanks, Lord.


God sometimes warns us through others or experiences. 

Last night I received the messages from my friend. She wrote, “Are you busy these days? I didn’t see the new item on your blog.” This interrogation makes me think about my journey. Yes, these days, I was very busy. Since last Saturday when my computer had a problem. I couldn't fix it until the night lately. I saved my article written already in the file. The following day, I went to celebrate the Mass, later on, I visited one family. I continue to do other activities on Monday. And then, my time ended there. 

Busy days bring me far from my plan. I just say my prayer like holy rosary and breviary without writing the English reflection. I have no time to write my reflection. My plan to write every day changed by busy days. I am not faithful to my schedule. When we focus only on our activities, we put God in another place.

But today, I am very happy to re-start my activity. I am happy to share my reflection with you. God is always faithful to His program. Not like me, who canceled the schedule planning before. Today, God remains me to be faithful to my planning. We can cancel our activities, but we cannot cancel our precious time with God. If we can cancel easily our planning, how can the others believe in us? God has shown us already how faithful, He is.

Bring us o Lord in your love, increase our faith in you who teaches us to believe in God our Lord. Make us realize always in our plan to be with you always.


No more shouting from the workers who wake up early in the morning and clean the school area. No more greetings and say hello, good morning, to everyone. 

That was my morning day in the beginning of May. I walked through the Church without facing anyone. Some students are praying in the Church. Yes, today is a special holiday for our workers. Time for themselves. Like in another part of the world, we celebrate the labor day. Saint Joseph, the Patron of the laborers, was a faithful worker. He obeyed the will of God. The workers are those who follow the instructions of their leader. Ideally, they work for the common good. 

Saint Joseph was in the two choices, between his desire and the will of God. Finally, he follows the will of God without leaving his desire to work faithfully. Joseph provides himself with God's plan. In other words, he is someone who eats God's flesh and drinks His blood. This should be the attitude of all Christians who follow Jesus. Eat the flesh and drink the blood begins in the Eucharistic celebration. Then, it continues in daily life. The mission of the Eucharist is not in the celebration, but in daily life.

May Saint Joseph protect our workers, give them the strong faith, make them faithful in their job. Happy labor day.

Let us be on the front line, Hundred Islands, Philippines

“No one can come to me unless drawn by the Father who sent me…”

Last night, I shared with my friends about our pastoral program. He invited me to reach people first. Don’t wait for the other to offer something for us then we take action. It seems the invitation to be on the front line. I feel many times I did the contrary. This invitation reminds me to be on the front line. 

Our Lord is the Lord from the front line. He offers us His Love first. So, our vocation as Christian is not from ourselves. First of all, that vocation comes from God. That is the precious gift from Him. What we can do after is we need to reply to it. Like when someone offers the mask to you, you need to say thanks to him. The same thing is in our relationship with God. He gives us His pure love so we need to respond to it. 

If God is from the front line, we also are invited to become someone on the front line. We receive the bread of life from God, we need to share it with others. We need to take action first. At this difficult moment, we need to take care of others. If you have something, please share it with the others who very need it. 

God, thanks to being the Lord on the front line, make us stand on the front line also, to follow your example in our relationship with others. 

Have a nice day.

Hundred Islands, Philippines

“I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (John 6: 35)

If we are hungry, we still alive. So, we need food to eat. If we are not hungry anymore, we are sick. Maybe we have a problem. This morning, I gave some mangoes to the students. I know that they want to eat it. I want them—like me also—to enjoy it. They eat fruits not every day. So, it is better for them—even sometime—to take some fruit.

Yesterday and today we still talk about the food. Jesus stresses more on spiritual food. Every day we need food. We have to eat. But, why Jesus said that “Whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.”? Of course, we need food to eat. The more we eat, the more we feel hungry. So, we eat again. This is our rhythm of life.

What Jesus said here is not about the food that we eat only one time and we will not feel hungry anymore. Not like this. Of course, we need to eat every day. So, Jesus invites us to eat the food that comes from Him. This food makes us not feel hungry anymore. We need to eat so that we don’t feel hungry. The same as this spiritual food. We need to eat it so that we satisfy.

We give thanks to Jesus who provides this food for us. We are invited to receive it every day. We need to come to Him in the Mass (for example). Don’t worry if now we can’t go to the Church for Mass. If you desire to meet the Lord, you are united with Him. There, we meet Him, listen to his Word, speaks with Him in prayer, and receive Him in Holy Communion. So, let us eat food that makes us satisfied.

May our heart continues to be hungry for God’s bread. He always waits for us, “Come and eat your food here.” Have a nice day.

Hundred Islands, Philippines

Yesterday, I saw the children came together in front of our gate. They noticed that my friend just arrived home. Usually, he brings them something to eat. The biscuits or something like that. That is what the children want and like it very much. They come because they want to receive something that good for them. While playing with them, he calls them one by one and gives that one.

We probably passed this joyful moment when we were children. As a human being, that experience remains as a part of our daily life. Sometimes, we do like that in the relationship with God. When we have a problem, we try to search for God. We believed that God can help us. Only in that moment that we really need God. After it passes away, we come back in our nature, forget God easily.

Today’s Gospel helps us to reflect on our relationship with Jesus. He reminds us to find “the food that endures for eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you.” That food comes from God. It means we need to find something that comes from God. Not about our desire, but the desire that comes from Him. That food is what God wants us to have.

Here, we are invited to purify our desire to search for God. If we want Him only when we need it, we are the same as the children who come to our gate to receive something. Ideally, we need to find God because we love Him. We want to receive that pure love of Him. Have a nice day.  

Hundred islands Pangasinan-Philippines 

I like to call him a journalist of the Gospel. He is Saint Mark, the Evangelist. Mark wrote the first Gospel. The shortest of all the four Gospels. His Gospel is adapted for those who want to know who Jesus is. The Cathecument usually needs to read this Gospel.

For me, this Gospel not only very short but also very easy to read. When I studied Italian and English, I read this Gospel first. Mark wrote all he has seen and has done. Even I call him as a journalist of the Gospel, he is not like the journalist as we understand. If we read the Gospel, we realized that this is not a book of history. The gospel has a message of faith in his audience.

On this feast of St Mark, let us remember what Jesus said to the apostles. First of all, Jesus gives them strong faith so that they can combat evil. With this God’s power, the apostles can heal the sick people. For this, they need to be a messenger of hope and to be a good communicator.

We give thanks to Jesus who sent us the evangelist, St Mark. Through him, we know our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray for those who want to know Jesus. May St Mark prays for them so that they know who Jesus is. Have a nice day.


Have you ever heard your friends say that they have a little faith only? Many people try to measure their faith. But we don’t have a certain measurement for it. So, never mind if you have weak or strong faith. My friends always tell me that my faith smaller than theirs. I just accept it and tell them to pray for me. However, having faith in God is important for us. It doesn’t matter strong or weak. 

Have a faith in God means believing in God. And, those who believe in God have eternal life. The Gospel of yesterday announced this. So, if you have faith in God, you have everlasting life. Life here on the earth and life there in heaven. Life at this moment and life in eternity. Phillip and Andrew have an interesting experience with their faith. Not like Andrew, Philip has no faith in Jesus. He was not sure about the food enough for so many people. Rather, Andrew has little faith. He still has a hope that food will be enough for all. From that little, Jesus makes an abundant food. More than people need.

Like Phillip and Andrew, Jesus encourages us to have faith in Him. Believe and have faith in God means having a hope to do something. We try our part. The rest is God’s part. We believe that the Corona Virus will pass away. So, we do what we can do to make it possible. The rest, let God does for us. Have a nice day. 

in front of Buddhist Temple, Lampun-Thailand

No one knows daily life can change. The schedule also can be changed at the last moment. Last night, I cannot write my reflection. I read book, then sleep. This morning, before celebrating the Eucharist, I remember some words of today’s Gospel. I try to say it to our faithful. The short homily. This Gospel talks about the centre of our faith. Connected by the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This is what I said to our beloved Catholic people this morning. Nowadays, many people try to explain who is God. Many authority people try to argue and explain and also write the book about Jesus or about God. But I think that the original idea if we want to know who is Jesus or who is Lord is to read the Gospel. From there, we need to put trust only in Him. Reading the Gospel without believing in Him is similar to paying a big amount of money to the police without giving it to him as an offering.

So, today Jesus invites us to believe in Him. Believing means make Him our inspiration in daily life. Only with this, we can have a new life, the eternal life in Him.
Have a nice day.

Bhacayan Mountain, Rizal, Phillipines 

I just talked with our housekeeper about the children. She said, “The children usually don’t want to eat vegetables.” I agree with her. It reminds me also about my childhood. Between fish and vegetables, I chose fish. She continued, “We reject the best thing from our parents. They ask us to eat vegetables because it is good for our health.” Very wise advice. Our parents loved us so that they gave good advice to us. No one of them considers the bad things for their children. As a mother or father, they will give the best one. That is the proof of love from parents to children.

Today, we listen to how the Lord loves us. “God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son…” Touched by this expression, I stop for a moment. Put it in mind, remember how it can happen to me. The answer can help me is through the love of our parents. How our mother and father loved us that they gave the best advice for us. That Lord’ love has another consequence. We are invited not to keep that love, but to spread it to the others. Very interesting to reflect on this process. How we can share that love?

Perhaps this Easter season can help us. Just remember the new hope God gave us through the resurrection. We also need to find our way to build up our hope in our daily life. We are in a special time where we do many things from our house and the local community. How we can share that love with others? The others in our life are our brothers and sisters, our neighbour, friends and so on. Please share with them that love. Covered your happiness with the love of God so that your happiness has a meaning for the others. Give also your love when you give something to others during this time. Only by sharing our love, the love of God can reach many people. Have a nice day. 

Khaoko-Pitsanulok, Thailand

After playing badminton this afternoon, I watered the plants. While watering the plants, my friend asked me, “Why are you watering the plants?” I told her that the plants need water, especially during this dry season. Some plants cannot live anymore. But, since I watered it some days ago, little by little the sign of hope comes out. The leaf started to be green. It means that the plants are still alive. I cannot explain how it happens, but I believe that the Creator makes it live again.

Like those plants, we also need to be born again. Having the newborn from above like Jesus told Nicodemus. The change in our life must come from above. Jesus has shown us already, how He suffers, but in the end, receives the resurrection from the Father. We learn from Jesus to make the changing in our daily life. If we want to be born again, just learn from Him. We can evaluate our habits by comparing them with Jesus’ life. Using His way of life, we can interrogate in our daily life.

We can ask for the help of the Holy Spirit. With only our force, we cannot do it. The Holy Spirit can help us by opening our hearts to listen to Him. When we read the Gospel, we try to listen to the word that Jesus uses. Little by little, we can be aware of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Even many times, we don’t know how it works. Just becoming the plants that need the water. The change comes out without knowing it very well. Have a nice day.

Sacred Heart Convent, Bangkok-Thailand

Three times already, Jesus appears to the disciples. Since the meeting with Maria of Magdala, then with two disciples of Emmaus, and today with all the eleven disciples. Even these three times of meeting, they still don't understand the Jesus' messages. Maria of Magdala needs another sign to believe in Jesus. Jesus called her by name. The two disciples of Emmaus through the breaking of bread they believe in Jesus. Both Maria and the disciples of Emmaus shared their experience with others. But, the others still remain as unbeliever in what they heard. Finally, Jesus comes to all of them. In yesterday's Gospel we read the experience of Peter and friends. There is the same thing there; they need the signs to understand Jesus' messages.

This journey of faith of the disciples is like ours as well. We need time and sign to understand and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. But even we receive this sign and meet people who help us, sometimes still we don't believe. Probably because we still close our heart to the Jesus' messages. Today, Jesus invites us to open our heart and listen to His voice. Maybe we need more than three or four experiences to understand Him. No problem. We have a little faith in our heart that Jesus gave when we receive the baptism. Our task now is to keep this little faith and try to grow it up in our daily life. That is our candle of faith. Like the ordinary candle, we need the glass cover to protect it from the blast of wind.

Thank you, Jesus because You continue to visit us in our daily life. Thanks for teaching us to understand your messages and to believe in You. Jesus, make us able to keep and to grow up our candle of faith. Thank you, Jesus, for showing us how to live out the gospel.

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