Halloween party ideas 2015

Sacred Heart Convent, Bangkok-Thailand

Three times already, Jesus appears to the disciples. Since the meeting with Maria of Magdala, then with two disciples of Emmaus, and today with all the eleven disciples. Even these three times of meeting, they still don't understand the Jesus' messages. Maria of Magdala needs another sign to believe in Jesus. Jesus called her by name. The two disciples of Emmaus through the breaking of bread they believe in Jesus. Both Maria and the disciples of Emmaus shared their experience with others. But, the others still remain as unbeliever in what they heard. Finally, Jesus comes to all of them. In yesterday's Gospel we read the experience of Peter and friends. There is the same thing there; they need the signs to understand Jesus' messages.

This journey of faith of the disciples is like ours as well. We need time and sign to understand and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. But even we receive this sign and meet people who help us, sometimes still we don't believe. Probably because we still close our heart to the Jesus' messages. Today, Jesus invites us to open our heart and listen to His voice. Maybe we need more than three or four experiences to understand Him. No problem. We have a little faith in our heart that Jesus gave when we receive the baptism. Our task now is to keep this little faith and try to grow it up in our daily life. That is our candle of faith. Like the ordinary candle, we need the glass cover to protect it from the blast of wind.

Thank you, Jesus because You continue to visit us in our daily life. Thanks for teaching us to understand your messages and to believe in You. Jesus, make us able to keep and to grow up our candle of faith. Thank you, Jesus, for showing us how to live out the gospel.

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