Halloween party ideas 2015

The Glorious Man

Sint Peter and Paul, picture from here
Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles. I have the different experiences today. Like I do every Sunday, I follow the mass at the Saint Christina Church, but today I celebrate in our Sanctuary together our confreres and the flock. I am happily celebrating this mass in this place. I remember one moment when I followed the mass here, but I do not remember how it is because I follow it about 8 months ago. 

Saints Peter and Paul are two great apostles. Peter is an angler and Paul is an intellectual man. They are contrasting but they are also the follower of Jesus. In addition, they were the martyrs. Peter is a simple man that becomes a great man. He believed in Jesus and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". Jesus then blessed Peter. Peter is the name are given of Jesus. As we read in the gospel today, "I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven." (Full text reads at Mt 16:13-19)​​.

The original name of Peter is Simon, Simon is the son of Jonah. Peter in Italian language is Pietro. Enzo Bianchi, the great Italian author said that Pietro da Pietra e non è Pietra da Pietro, the name 'Peter' comes from 'pietra'/the rock and it is not the rock from PiterYes, Peter is the rock. Jesus trust in Peter and Piter becomes the first leader of the Church. Peter is also one of the first’s apostles. 

Paul is also a great apostle. He preach the gospel to the people of many cultures. We know he has written many books. We can say that Paul is a new Peter. It means Paul continues the task of Peter. We can learn more from these apostles. 

Sint Peter, picture from Groenling
I remember the last Sunday (June 22); we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) at our home in Ravenna. This feast is one of the important feast of the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus constituted the Eucharist at this feast. He gives his body and his blood for us. Jesus loves us. We receive this loves every day. Moreover, I am happy when at the Monday morning (June 23), we went to The Republic of San Marino. It is a small country in Italian country, like the Vatican City. Nevertheless, San Marino bigger than The Vatican City. 

I am happy writing this article today and I want to share for you, the readers my experience at two last weeks. Happy Sunday.


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