Halloween party ideas 2015

Paul VI Audience Hall-Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Christian hope - 6. Psalm 115. The false hopes of idols

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
In the month of December and in the first part of January we celebrated the Season of Advent and then Christmas: a period of the liturgical year that reawakens hope in God’s people. Hope is a basic human need: hope for the future, belief in life, so-called “positive thinking”.

But it is important that this hope be placed in what can really help you to live and give meaning to our existence. This is why Scripture warns us against the false hopes that the world presents to us, exposing their uselessness and demonstrating their foolishness. It does so in various ways, but especially by denouncing the falsehood of the idols in which man is continually tempted to place his trust, making them the object of his hope.

The prophets and scholars in particular insist on this, touching a nerve centre of the believer’s journey of faith. Because faith means trusting in God — those who have faith trust in God — but there’s a moment when, in meeting life’s difficulties, man experiences the fragility of that trust and feels the need for various certainties — for tangible, concrete assurances. I entrust myself to God, but the situation is rather serious and I need a little more concrete reassurance. And there lies the danger! And then we are tempted to seek even ephemeral consolations that seem to fill the void of loneliness and alleviate the fatigue of believing. And we think we can find them in the security that money can give, in alliances with the powerful, in worldliness, in false ideologies. Sometimes we look for them in a god that can bend to our requests and magically intervene to change the situation and make it as we wish; an idol, indeed, that in itself can do nothing. It is impotent and deceptive. But we like idols; we love them! Once, in Buenos Aires, I had to go from one church to another, a thousand meters, more or less. And I did so on foot. And between them there is a park, and in the park there were little tables, where many, many fortune tellers were sitting. It was full of people who were even waiting in line. You would give them your hand and they’d begin, but the conversation was always the same: ‘there is a woman in your life, there is a darkness that comes, but everything will be fine ...’. And then, you paid. And this gives you security? It is the security of — allow me to use the word — nonsense. Going to a seer or to a fortune teller who reads cards: this is an idol! This is the idol, and when we are so attached to them, we buy false hope. Whereas, in that gratuitous hope, which Jesus Christ brought us, freely giving his life for us, sometimes we fail to fully trust.

A Psalm brimming with wisdom depicts in a very suggestive way the falsity of these idols that the world offers for our hope and on which men of all ages are tempted to rely. It is Psalm 115, which is recited as follows:
“Their idols are silver and gold, / the work of men’s hands. / They have mouths, but do not speak; / eyes, but do not see. / They have ears, but do not hear; / noses, but do not smell. / They have hands, but do not feel; / feet, but do not walk; / and they do not make a sound in their throat. / Those who make them are like them; / so are all who trust in them!” (vv. 4-8).

The psalmist also presents to us, a bit ironically, the absolutely ephemeral character of these idols. And we must understand that these are not merely figures made of metal or other materials but are also those we build in our minds: when we trust in limited realities that we transform into absolute values, or when we diminish God to fit our own template and our ideas of divinity; a god that looks like us is understandable, predictable, just like the idols mentioned in the Psalm. Man, the image of God, manufactures a god in his own image, and it is also a poorly realized image. It does not hear, does not act, and above all, it cannot speak. But, we are happier to turn to idols than to turn to the Lord. Many times, we are happier with the ephemeral hope that this false idol gives us, than with the great and sure hope that the Lord gives us.

In contrast to hoping in a Lord of life who, through his Word created the world and leads our existence, [we turn to] dumb effigies. Ideologies with their claim to the absolute, wealth — and this is a great idol — power and success, vanity, with their illusion of eternity and omnipotence, values such as physical beauty and health: when they become idols to which everything is sacrificed, they are all things that confuse the mind and the heart, and instead of supporting life, they lead to death. It is terrible to hear, and painful to the soul: something that once, years ago, I heard in the Diocese of Buenos Aires: a good woman — very beautiful — boasted about her beauty. She said, as if it were natural: ‘Yes, I had to have an abortion because my figure is very important’. These are idols, and they lead you down the wrong path, and do not give you happiness.

The message of the Psalm is very clear: if you place hope in idols, you become like them: hollow images with hands that do not feel, feet that do not walk, mouths that cannot speak. You no longer have anything to say; you become unable to help, to change things, unable to smile, to give of yourself, incapable of love. And we, men of the Church, run this risk when we “become mundanized”. We need to abide in the world but defend ourselves from the world’s illusions, which are these idols that I mentioned.

As the Psalm continues, we must trust and hope in God, and God will bestow the blessing. So says the Psalm: “O Israel, trust in the Lord.... O House of Aaron, put your trust in the Lord.... You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord.... The Lord has been mindful of us; he will bless us” (vv. 9, 10, 11, 12).

The Lord always remembers. Even in the bad times he remembers us. And this is our hope. And hope does not disappoint. Never. Never. Idols always disappoint; they are make-believe; they are not real. Here is the wonderful reality of hope: in trusting in the Lord, we become like him. His blessing transforms us into his children who share in his life. Hope in God allows us to enter, so to speak, within the range of his remembrance, of his memory that blesses us and saves us. And it is then that a Hallelujah can burst forth in praise to the living and true God, who was born for us of Mary, died on the Cross and rose again in glory. And in this God we have hope, and this God — who is not an idol — never disappoints.

Special greetings:
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, particularly those from Australia, Canada and the United States of America. May each of you, and your families, cherish the joy of this Christmas season, and draw near in prayer to the Saviour who has come to dwell among us. God bless you!

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Kue Unik di Hari Ulang Tahun Kota Parma
model lain dari kue berbentuk sepatu 'scarpette di sant'illario'
FOTO: comeunfiorellinodirosmarino.blogspot.com
Kota Parma termasuk kota kreatif. Kreatif bisa dalam bidang apa saja. Beberapa di antaranya sudah terkenal di seluruh dunia. Sebut saja keju parmigiano yang sudah akrab di lidah pecinta kuliner. Satu lagi rupanya yang membuat warga Parma makin kreatif yakni kue kas dalam pesta HUT kota Parma.

Setiap tanggal 13 Januari, warga Parma beramai-ramai memeriahkan ulang tahun kota yang mereka cintai. Hari itu pun menjadi hari libur untuk seluruh warga kota. Universitas dan sekolah-sekolah libur, kantor pemerintah dan pabrik juga demikian. Pada hari itu—atau juga sehari sebelumnya—di rumah-rumah warga dan di tempat belanja atau di restoran, disediakan makanan kas warga Parma. Makanan ringan yang manis itu disebut Scarpette di Sant’Ilario atau sepatu dari Santo Hilarius.

Kue ini memang berbentuk sepatu. Kisahnya mengingatkan mereka akan sosok Santo Hilarius atau Sant’Ilario sebagai Pelindung kota Parma. Dalam legenda yang beredar, Ilario melewati kota Parma pada musim dingin. Ia sedang melakukan perjalanan panjang dari Poiters-Prancis ke Roma-Italia. Tukang sepatu di kota Parma yang melihatnya tanpa sepatu memberinya sepasang sepatu. Illario berterima kasih kepada tukang sepatu itu. Keesokan harinya, tukang sepatu itu melihat sepasang sepatu dari emas di tempat ia bertemu dengan Sant’Illario sehari sebelumnya. Ia kaget dan mengira tidak benar. Tetapi, sepatu itu memang benar-benar dari emas.
Sant'Illario atau Santo Hilarius FOTO: morethanfood.wordpress.com
Illario (315-367) sendiri adalah seorang Uskup dalam Gereja Katolik. Ia lahir dan meninggal di kota Poiters, Prancis. Dalam sejarah literatur Gereja Katolik, Illario dikenal sebagai Filsuf, Teolog, Penulis, dan Doktor Gereja atau Pujangga Gereja. Tentu saja dia juga adalah seorang Uskup dan akhirnya juga diberi gelar Santo pada pertengahan abad XIII (1851) oleh Paus Pius IX. Tidak banyak Filsuf dan Teolog dalam Gereja Katolik yang diberi gelar Pujangga Gereja atau Doktor Gereja. Sant’Illario menerimanya karena kepiawaiannya dalam bidang Filsafat dan Teologi.

Dalam sejarahnya, kepiawaian Illario sebagai Filsuf dan Teolog diakui bukan saja oleh Gereja Katolik. Gereja Anglikan di Inggris dan Gereja Ortodoks di Rusia pun mengakuinya. Illario sendiri berasal dari keluarga kaya yang tidak mengenal agama (pagano). Dengan kepiawaiannya dalam bidang FIlsafat, ia mencari dan terus mencari ilmu pengetahuan termasuk membaca Kitab Suci agama Kristen Katolik dan akhirnya bergabung dan menerima baptisan dalam Gereja Katolik.

Boleh jadi tidak semua warga Parma tahu sejarah sosok Pelindung kota mereka ini. Tetapi, yang jelas bagi mereka, sosok ini adalah Pelindung kota mereka yang memberi mereka anugerah dan rejeki termasuk untuk menghadiahkan Kue Kas Scarpette di Sant’Ilario pada hari ulang tahun kota mereka.

Pada Jumat pagi itu, kami juga mendapat Kue Kas ini dari Tukang Roti yang datang setiap pagi. Dia memberikan secara gratis. Ini hadiah terindah. Tidak masuk dalam daftar roti yang akan dibayar setiap akhir bulan. Di sekolah, anak-anak yang kami jumpai pada hari sebelum dan sesudah pesta juga menyinggung soal kue ini. Rupanya sudah populer seperti makanan khas lainnya dari kota Parma.
SIndaco atau Walikota Parma Federico Pizzarotti memberi sambutan
sebelum penyerahan hadiah medali, tampak pejabat kota madya Parma
bersama Uskup Parma Mgr Enrico Solmi (kedua dari kiri)
di Auditorium Paganini, FOTO: parmadaily.it
Pada perayaan HUT yang ke-2200 ini, Pemerintah kota Parma memberikan hadiah (premio di Sant’Illario) Medali Emas dan Setifikat Prestasi Sipil (Attestati civica benemerenza) kepada 7 orang dan lembaga yang berjasa untuk kota Parma. Penghargaan ini diberikan setiap tahun pada perayaan HUT. Tahun 2017 ini, medali emas diberikan kepada Arturo Carlo Quintavelle (Profesor emeritus Sejarah Seni di Universitas Parma), dan Sertifikat Prestasi Sipil kepada Giulia Ghiretti (Perenang Putri nasional dan internasional, lahir tahun 1994 di Parma), Cus Parma (Lembaga Olahraga yang lahir dari inisiatif mahasiswa di Universitas Parma), Lanzi Trasporti (Perusahaan penghubung antar beberapa bandara dan dermaga di sekitar kota Parma), Emporio di Parma (Organisasi Pasukan Sukarela yang dibentuk selama krisis moneter tahun 2008), Comitato Orti (Lembaga non profit yang membantu di rumah-rumah para jompo), Giovanni Ballarini (Profesor dari Persatuan Akademi Masak Italia), Unione Veterani dello Sport (Lembaga Olahraga yang menekankan semangat Kekeluargaan dalam berolahraga).

Mereka ini dipilih dari sekitar 30 orang yang diusulkan pada tahun 2017 ini. Hadiah pada HUT ini diberikan sejak tahun 1986. Saat itu, pemerintah kota Parma berinisiatif untuk memberi penghargaan kepada orang dan lembaga yang berjasa membangun kota dan warga Parma dengan berbagai caranya. Warga dan pemerintah kota Parma berhak memberi usulan setiap tahun untuk menerima penghargaan bergengsi ini. Bidang yang bisa diusulkan adalah ilmu pengetahuan, seni, industri, lapangan pekerjaan, olahraga, bantuan amal, inisiatif dermawan, dan sebagainya.

Penghargaan ini datangnya baru-baru ini saja kalau dibanding dengan usia kota Parma. Kota Parma dalam sejarahnya mulai dibentuk pada tahun 183 Sebelum Masehi. Kota ini adalah satu dari sekian kota jajahan Pasukan Romawi. Dan, sejak saat itu, Parma terus berkembang menjadi kota yang betul-betul berguna. Boleh dibilang, kota Parma melalui banyak pengalaman berharga yang menjadi pijakan dalam perkembangannya.
Satu dari banyak model kue berbentuk sepatu pada HUT Kota Parma
Berbagai torehan prestasi pernah diraih oleh kota berpenduduk sekitar 194.464 orang pada Agustus 2016 ini. Penghargaan internasional pernah diraihnya pada tahun 2014 yang lalu. Saat itu, koran The Telegraph dari Inggris memberi peringkat ke-4 kepada kota Parma dari semua kota di seluruh dunia sebagai kota paling layak dihuni. Sementara majalah Panorama dari Italia—pada tahun yang sama—memberi peringkat sebagai kota terfavorit yang layak dikunjungi oleh seluruh warga Italia.

Setahun setelahnya (2015), Parma mendapat penghargaan internasional dari UNESCO sebagai satu dari beberapa kota kreatif (UNESCO Creative Cities Network). Kota Parma dipilih sebagai “Città creativa” dalam bidang perkembangan ekonomi. Di Italia pada saat itu, hanya terpilih 5 kota saja dari 69 jumlah kota yang dipilih oleh UNESCO.

Saat ini, sudah terpilih sekitar 116 kota dari 54 negara yang tergabung dari jaringan Kota Kreatif ini. Sekitar 7 bidang yang dinilai untuk masuk kategori kota kreatif—lihat situsnya di sini—yakni Crafts & Folk Art, Design, Film, Gastronomy, Literature, Music and Media Arts.

Sampai saat ini, 5 kota di Italia mendapat penghargaan di 5 kategori. Kota Roma dipilih untuk bidang Film, Bologna untuk bidang Musik, Fabriano untuk bidang Seni Kerajinan Tangan, Torino untuk bidang Desain, dan Parma untuk bidang Gastronomia.
Medali Emas pada premio Sant'Illario 2017, FOTO: parmaquotidiana.info
Satu lagi penghargaan yang sedang diusahakan oleh kota Parma adalah penghargaan dalam bidang kemanusiaan. Walikota (sindaco) Parma Federico Pizzarotti pada Desember 2016 yang lalu ikut dalam pertemuan tentang Imigrasi di Vatikan. Dia bersama beberapa walikota di Eropa ikut dalam pertemuan yang diprakarsai oleh Negara Vatikan itu ikut mempresentasikan cara menghadapi masalah keimigrasian di Eropa saat ini. Dia mempresentasikan situasi aktual di kota Parma.

Parma memang tergolong cukup terbuka untuk menerima kaum imigran. Banyak organiasi yang bergerak dalam bidang ini. Termasuk beberapa yang masuk kategori ‘daftar hitam’ karena secara gelap bekerja hanya demi keuntungan saja.

Pemimpin Gereja Katolik di Parma Monsinyur Enrico Solmi juga—dalam pesannya kepada warga Parma—mengharapkan kinerja yang lebih dalam bidang kemanusiaan. Dalam pesannya yang dibacakan saat misa HUT di Gereja Katedral Parma, Monsinyur Enrico mengatakan bahwa kebaikan dan kebajikan (volto) manusia-lah yang membangun kota Parma. Ini berarti, kemanusiaan yang menjadi titik pusat dari kota Parma. Lebih lanjut, Enrico mengajak warga Parma untuk memerhatikan bidang ini. Dia juga menghimbau warga Parma untuk memerhatikan wajah kemanusiaan daripada wajah agama atau kelompok ras dari kaum imigran yang hadir di kota Parma. Pesan dari Uskup Parma ini kiranya menjadi tugas bersama baik Pemerintah Kota maupun warga Parma.
Tampak sebagian dari Gereja Katedral Parma dalam Misa HUT Kota Parma,
ada pasukan keamanan dari Kantor Walikota Parma, FOTO: agoramagazine.it
Inilah keunikan Parma dengan segala kekayaan tradisi dan budayanya. Andai kota-kota di Indonesia mengembangkan kekhasannya, boleh jadi tidak ada warga kota yang ngangur karena semuanya sibuk bekerja demi kebaikan warga dan kotanya.

Wajah kota yang seperti inilah yang diimpikan untuk Indonesia. Jika ini mulai diterapkan, tidak ada lagi kelompok tertentu—entah yang berbasis agama atau suku bangsa—yang bertindak semau gue. Tetapi, jika Indonesia masih sibuk dengan pencarian, siapa yang benar atau malah memutlakkan hanya agama kami kami yang benar, niscaya pencapaian seperti ini tidak akan tercapai.

Ingat, bukan kelompok berlabel atau suku berlabel yang memajukan sebuah kota tetapi kebajikan dan wajah manusia. Maka, siapa pun Anda, agama apa pun asal Anda, tidak penting. Tidak perlu mengadili agama orang lai. Buktikan dengan perbuatanmu bahwa agamamu benar dan bukan dengan orasi dan demo atau adu otot.

Sekadar berbagi yang dilihat, ditonton, didengar, dirasakan, dialami, dibaca, dan direfleksikan.


PRM, 15/1/2017

*Dari postingan pertama di blog kompasiana

Saint Peter's Square-Sunday, 8 January 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
Today, the Feast of the Baptism of Jesus, the Gospel (Mt 3:13-17) describes the scene which occurred at the River Jordan: Jesus, too, is in the midst of the penitent crowd which approaches John the Baptist to receive baptism. He stood in line. John would like to prevent him from [being baptized], saying: “I need to be baptized by you” (3:14). The Baptist, indeed, is aware of the great distance there is between him and Jesus. But Jesus has come precisely to bridge the gap between man and God: if He is completely on God’s side, He is also completely on mankind’s side, and reunites what had been separated. For this reason he asks John to baptize him, so that all righteousness may be fulfilled (cf. v. 15), namely, that the plan of God may be fulfilled, the plan which passes by way of obedience and solidarity with fragile and sinful mankind, the way of humility and of God’s full closeness to his children. Because God is very close to us, very close!

At the moment in which Jesus, baptized by John, comes out of the waters of the River Jordan, the voice of God the Father is heard from on high: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (v. 17). At the same time the Holy Spirit, in the form of a dove, alights upon Jesus, who publicly begins his mission of salvation; a mission characterized by a manner: the way of a humble and gentle servant, armed only with the power of truth, as Isaiah had prophesied: “He will not cry or lift up his voice, … a bruised reed he will not break, and a dimly burning wick he will not quench; he will faithfully bring forth justice” (42:2-3). A humble and gentle servant.

This is Jesus’ way, as well as the manner of Christ’s disciples’ missionary work: To proclaim the Gospel with gentleness, but also firmness, without shouting, without reprimanding anyone, but gently and firmly, without arrogance or imposition. The true mission is never proselytism, but drawing people to Christ. But how? How is this attraction to Christ achieved? With one’s own witness, starting from the unwavering union with him in prayer, in adoration and in concrete works of charity, which is service to Jesus present in the least of his brothers and sisters. In imitation of Jesus, the good and merciful Shepherd, and moved by his grace, we are called to make our life a joyous testimony that illuminates the way, that brings hope and love.

This feast makes us rediscover the gift and the beauty of being a community of baptized, that is, of sinners — we all are sinners — saved by the grace of Christ, truly integrated, by the work of the Holy Spirit, in the filial relationship of Jesus with the Father, welcomed into the bosom of Mother Church, making possible a brotherhood that knows no barriers or borders.

May the Virgin Mary help all of us Christians to maintain an ever keen and grateful awareness of our own Baptism and to faithfully follow the path opened by this Sacrament of our rebirth. Ever with humility, gentleness and firmness.

After the Angelus:
Dear brothers and sisters! In the context of the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism, this morning I baptized a large group of infants: 28. Let us pray for them and for their families. Also, yesterday afternoon, I baptized a young catechumen. And I would like to extend my prayer to all parents who in this period are preparing for a child’s Baptism or have recently celebrated it. I invoke the blessing of the Holy Spirit upon them and their children, so that this Sacrament, so simple but at the same time so important, may be lived with faith and joy.

I would also like to invite you to join in the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, which spreads, also through social networks, the prayer intentions I propose for the Church each month. In this way, the Apostleship of Prayer moves forward and communion grows.

In these very cold days, I think of and invite you to think of all of the people who live on the streets, suffering the cold and oftentimes indifference. Unfortunately, some have not survived. We pray for them and we ask the Lord to warm our hearts so that we may be able to help them.

I greet you all, faithful of Rome, pilgrims from Italy and from other countries. In particular, the group of young people from Cagliari, Italy whom I encourage to continue on the journey which began with the Sacrament of Confirmation. And I thank them because they offer me the occasion to stress that Confirmation is not only a destination — as some say, the “farewell sacrament”, no no! — it is above all a point of departure in Christian life. Go forth with the joy of the Gospel!

I wish everyone a happy Sunday. Please, do not forget to pray for me. Enjoy your lunch. Arrivederci!

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