Halloween party ideas 2015

The love of God

PPhoto, Gordi
I want to write again this article. I leave it for some Sundays. But, today (Sunday, 30 August), I have a spirit to start again. Last Sunday I have written and, now, I want to continue. I think this topic must go on. If not, it is something that be left. 

I and my friend from Indonesia were going to the Saint Christina Church. There, I give a lecturer from the children. We talked about the love of God. In the first reading today, we listened to Jesus speak to his disciples that he must go to the Jerusalem to suffer, died, and rise again. I rewrite the phrase from the Gospel, “….he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.” 

In the next part of it Jesus gives the instruction or the conditional for someone who wants to follow Him. He must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Him. Just three words, deny-take up-and follow. And then, he said, the follower must suffer. They were facing the suffering.

I think these words are sent to us today, partly the follower of Jesus. We are facing the suffering in our lives. Many of us have the big problem, the great suffering in daily life, in social life. We hope these will be ended. I have explained this point for the children. In addition, I say again that we must go on until we arrive at the love of God. Because the cross is the symbol of the suffering, but the resurrection is the symbol of love.

We have received the love of God through our parents. They give us the love of God. We must go on this love for others suffering today.

Happy Sunday

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