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I was Thirsty and you gave me Drink

Love Sunday 27. I try to write this column every week. I chose the Sunday for writing. Today is the special day, the last Sunday in the ordinary time. Next week, we will in the advent week. The Catholic Church of Rome uses this system. I don’t know in the Protestant Church or in the others Catholic Church. 

The Catholic Church of Rome today celebrated The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is the great solemn. I want to rewrite these some verses of the reading today. ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’

It is interesting to me, maybe for you, the readers. When I hungry, you give me food. How many people without the food today? In the city of Parma, I see the people without food. They eat something before some people give them food. Four weeks ago, I had lunch with some people without food for a week. Pope Francis some days ago said that we have food for all but some people don’t have food. It means some people have more. In other words, he takes the food of others.

On the altar of Saint Cristina Church, we put the pasta and the milk. And, we put also the cross. These things are the symbol of the solemn today. The cross is the Christ, King of Universe. The pasta is the food. We want to invite the people to share with others, particularly they that don’t have food.

Parma, 23 November 2014
Happy Sunday.

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