Halloween party ideas 2015


God has the initiative to call us. He calls all the people. Sometimes, we need the other to understand his calling. We can hear his voice, but we can not know his identity. We need the other to know his voice. 

Samuel, for example, has heard the voice three times, but he can not know who is calling him. Eli gives him the advice to respond the voice. In other words, Samuel needs Eli to know God, the owner of the voice. The disciples (Andrea and Peter) of John see the master, but they don’t know who the master is. John helps them to know who the master is. It is interested in the Jesus’ responding, COME AND SEE. Knowing Jesus means go and live with Him.

I remember my experience when for the first time go out from my island Flores. I come from Flores to Bali Island with my friend. I am not alone. But, from Bali to Java, I am alone. I asked the information in the young mother. She gives me the information. She said that, don’t be afraid. I was happy listening to it.

I arrived in Yogyakarta because I followed her instruction. She didn’t say COME AND SEE, but she gives me the way of arriving at my direction. She stops at Solo, the city before Yogyakarta. Now, my thanks to her. I remember this experience and I have received her instruction. Her instruction is the great grace for me.

I have done it, COME AND SEE at His home. He stays near us. He looks at the peoples around us. He speaks at our friends, our teacher, our parents, our family. We must go far away until finding His staying.  We must ask the people until we know his voices, his way, his stay, and his instruction.

Now, we pray for the immigrants. Today is the migrants’ world day. I see many immigrants in Italia. I am one of them. I work with them at the parish, in the rural city. I have many friends of the immigrant’s family.



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