Halloween party ideas 2015

ILLUSTRATE: 10best.com  

Today I and my friends are walking in the shopping center. In the Italian language are called Supermercato. That is not far from our house. We went with our Italian language teacher. And, how about you, what we did? Just walking? Like the title of this writing?
Just that is not. Really, we are not shopping. This is real. But we just not to walk. We are walking with just the intention. Before walking, we are given one letter that contents some guidance. Example, what price for one-kilogram fruits, fishes, and so on. Many others guidance.
We were divided into two groups. I and my friend, Basile, in one group. We look for the baby books, kind of fruits in autumn, kind of flash, kind of wine, vino in the Italian language, how much cost for one bottles milk, and so on.
I enjoy this task. And I cooperate with my friend, Basile. Together we seek these. There are two or three that we don't find. We ask to our teacher. She showed little by little. She has not guided things that we are searching but she takes us the way to there. And so on we try to find it. We have succeeded find it. We are happy.
For me, experience today is unique. I am Indonesian, my friends are Brasilian, Kamerun, and Kongo, and our teacher, our guide is Italian. Thanks to our teacher. (Gordi)

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