Halloween party ideas 2015

picture from internet
One day my Italian Language Teacher give me a task very simple. Make holiday planning for him. Certainly, I must know what that she wants or his hobby. If his hobby is swimming, I make planning holiday about a holiday at the beach. It same if she wants to hike in the mountain.

Therefore, at that time I made holiday planning differently. Holiday in Rome and visit the old Church for 5 days. One day for going and one day since coming back. Just 7 days for holiday. She lives at home of his friend. She visits one church every day. Therefore, five churches visit. Nevertheless, she can do more if she wants.

This task is simple. However, it is difficult when I explain and write in Italian Language. How I explain one thing simple in the new language. However, I am happy with it. Because I did it for others.

Whenever and wherever, doing for others is not easy. However, if it's done happily, it is easier. Simpler is not always meanly easy and the easy is not always meanly simple. Moreover, Life is Beautiful.

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Hari ini unik. Hari Rabu di bulan Desember. Menjadi unik karena susunan tanggal, bulan, dan tahunnya. Urutan yang menarik. 11 kemudian 12 lalu 13. Tanggal 11, bulan 12, tahun 13 (2013). Menarik dan unik bukan?

Banyak orang menghindari angka 13. Terutama dalam dunia bisnis, angka ini, seolah-olah membawa sial. Angka 13, menurut mitos-bisnis, berarti tidak beruntung. Entah ini benar atau tidak. Tetapi banyak yang yakin. Berarti boleh jadi benar.

Saya lihat sendiri di salah satu hoteel di Bogor-Puncak, tidak ada kamar dengan nomor 13. Misalnya 112 lalu lompat 114. Atau 212 lalu lompat 214. Boleh jadi di hotel lain juga demikian. Kalau saya tidak salah di pesawat Lion Air juga demikian. Nomor kursi penumpang tidak ada yang 13. Saya lupa apakah di gerbong kereta SENJA Yogya juga demikian. Tetapi, seingat saya di bis SAFARI DHARMA RAYA dan RAMAYANA jurusan Yogyakarta-Jakarta tidak demikian. Di situ ada kursi penumpang nomor 13. Berarti mitos di atas tidak berlaku.

Angka 13 menjadi menarik kala disusun seperti di atas. Dan, kebetulan saja, susuanan itu tepat sekali ditempatkan hari ini. 11, 12, 13 adalah susuanan yang menarik. Tanpa melihat sial-tidaknya, untung-tidaknya hari ini.

Salam dari Parma, Italia


This evening (1st November 2013), me and my friends went to burying ground. This is one of many famous places. Because finally, we all will die . And when the time is arriving, we go to there. Burying place that we visit today also becomes famous place. This is an example of many burying place others.
Picture from internet

We went in there by bicycle. Through in a big way and in the same places we cross that's. Today, in the Catholic Church Calender, is The Fest of all Saints. Whereas tomorrow is The Feast of all Souls Day. The second is a commemoration of dead. These memories are celebs in Roman Catholic Church. Maybe also in Anglican Church and Orthodox Church.Then, what is the relation between this Festas and our visit this evening?

In Italy, usually, at this time, many people visit the burying. Like today, many people come here. We entered in this group. I remember, in Indonesia, these traditions don't popular. I see in a few places like that here.

And, this is a first time for me visiting the burying in Italy. There were many burying. Generally, in group. Group of family, of factory, and others groups. Moreover, there are many forms of burying. House forms, palace forms, and so on. This is more interesting. I enjoyed seeing all this.

I reflect that I will go there at one moment. My body, our body, puts on underground, whereas our name put at either place. Not like in my village, the name be put above the burying. This is certain depend on culture. My culture is different from the Italian, the Parma's culture. When we walk around this place, I always look and read the list of the names. I know, the corpus, the body of this list be put in underground. We didn't see the body. We just see the lists.

At partly this time, I remember at my brother, my grandfather, my grandmother, my aunt, and my friends who had dead at many years ago. I pray for them, Lord, may they lived with you in heaven, give them your forgiveness.

Parma, 1st November 2013

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