Halloween party ideas 2015

Saint Peter's Square
Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Family - 29. - Promises to children

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning!
Today since the weather was rather uncertain and rain was forecast, this Audience is being held simultaneously in two places: here in the Square and in the Paul VI Hall where 700 sick people are watching on the jumbotron. Let us all join and greet them with a round of applause.

The word of Jesus is powerful today: “Woe to the world, for scandals”. Jesus is realistic and says: “It is inevitable that scandals arise, but woe to the man who causes scandal to occur”. I would like, before beginning the catechesis, on behalf of the Church, to ask for your forgiveness for the scandals that have happened in recent times both in Rome and in the Vatican. I ask your forgiveness.

Today we will reflect on a very important topic: the promises we make to children. I am not speaking so much about the promises we make now and then, during the day, to keep them happy or make them be good (perhaps with some innocent little ruse: I’ll give you a sweet and similar promises...), to encourage them to work hard in school or to coax them not to be wilful. I am speaking about other promises, the most important promises, decisive for their expectations regarding life, for their trust in regard to human beings, for their capacity to perceive the Name of God as a blessing. These are promises that we make to them.

We adults are ready to speak of children as a promise of life. We all say: children are a promise of life. And we are also inclined to feel a bit emotional telling young people that they are our future, it’s true. But sometimes I wonder if we are as serious about their future, about the children’s future and about the future of young people! A question that we should ask ourselves more often is: how sincere are we with the promises that we make to children, having brought them into our world? We make them come into the world and this is a promise. What do we promise them?

Welcome and care, closeness and attention, trust and hope, are likewise basic promises, which can be summed up in a single word: love. We promise love, that is, love which is expressed in welcome, care, closeness, attention, trust and hope, but the real promise is love. This is the best way to welcome a human being who comes into the world, and we all learn this, even before being conscious of it. I like it very much when I see fathers and mothers, when I am among you, bringing me a baby boy, a baby girl and I ask: “How old is he or she?” — “three weeks, four weeks... I ask for the Lord’s blessing”. This too is called love. Love is the promise that a man and woman make to every child: from the moment he or she is conceived in their mind”. Children come into the world and they expect this promise to be confirmed: they expect it in a complete, trusting, defenceless way. It is enough to look at them: in all ethnicities, in all cultures, in all conditions of life! When the opposite occurs, children are wounded by a “scandal”, by an unbearable scandal, all the more serious as they do not have the means to interpret it. They are unable to understand what is happening. God is alert to this promise, from the very first instant. Do you remember what Jesus said? “The children’s angels mirror the gaze of God, and God never loses sight of children (cf. Mt 18:10). Woe to those who betray their trust, woe! Their trustful abandonment to our promise, to which we are committed from the very first instant, judges us.

I would like to add another thing, with due respect for everyone but also with much candour. Their spontaneous trust in God should never be disappointed, especially when it might be due to a certain (more or less unconscious) presumption of replacing him ourselves. The tender and mysterious relationship of God with the soul of children should never be violated. It is a real relationship, which God wants and God safeguards. Children are ready from birth to feel loved by God, they are ready for this. As soon as children are able to feel they are loved for themselves, they also feel that there is a God who loves children.

Children, newborns, begin to receive the gift, along with nourishment and care, of the confirmation of the spiritual qualities of love. Acts of love pass through the gift of a personal name, the sharing of language, the intention behind a gaze, the illumination of a smile. They thus learn that the beauty of the bond between human beings focuses on our soul, seeks our freedom, accepts the difference of others, recognizes and respects them as interlocutors. A second miracle, a second promise: we — mother and father — give ourselves to you, children, in order to give each of you to yourself! And this is love, which bears a spark of the love of God! But you, dads and moms, have this spark of God which you give to your children, you are an instrument of God’s love and this is beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!

Only if we look at children with the eyes of Jesus can we truly understand how, by defending the family, we protect humanity! The point of view of children is the point of view of the Son of God. The Church herself, in Baptism, makes great promises to children, by which she binds the parents and the Christian community. May the holy Mother of Jesus — through whom the Son of God came to us, loved and begotten as a child — render the Church able to follow the path of her motherhood and of her faith. May St Joseph — a righteous man, who welcomed and protected, courageously honouring the blessing and promise of God — render everyone capable and worthy to welcome Jesus in every child that God sends to the earth.

Special greetings:
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, including those from England, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, the Netherlands, Australia, Papua New Guinea, India, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, Canada and the United States of America. I ask you to pray for the Synod on the Family, and to be witnesses of God’s presence in the world through your family life. God bless you all!

On the day on which we commemorate the martyred Pope St Callixtus, to whom the well-known catacombs are dedicated, my wish for all the pilgrims who have come to Rome is that the remembrance of so many brave witnesses of Christ may strengthen the faith of each one of you.

I address a special thought to young people, the sick, and newlyweds. In this month of October we are all called to support the missions with prayer and solidarity. Dear young people, may you joyfully welcome the Lord’s invitation to devote your best efforts to proclaiming the Gospel; dear sick people, I thank you because the offering of your sacrifice is very precious for those who do not yet know the love of God; dear newlyweds, may you continue to proclaim with your life the steadfast love of the Lord!

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FOTO waktu mampir di Kepulauan Mentawai tahun 2012

Tulisan ini bermula dari status di facebook saya. Saya rasa perlu dipublikasikan juga di blog ini. Di facebook saja, ada banyak yang membacanya. Bahkan, ada dua yang membagikan status saya tersebut. Berikut adalah kutipan status saya yang dipublikan pada 15 Oktober yang lalu.

"Di sini, tidak ada orang yang membakar rumah bukan saja karena mereka tahu itu tidak baik, tetapi membangun rumah bukanlah pekerjaan mudah. Kalau rumah warga saja dijaga apalagi rumah yang dikhususkan untuk berdoa seperti gereja. Membakar rumah apalagi rumah doa bukan saja menciptakan kerugian secara ekonomi tetapi juga ketegangan sosial dan boleh jadi untuk orang atau kelompok yang sensitif menciptakan ketegangan antara pemeluk agama. 

Jika Anda benci dengan orang atau kelompok agama lain, jangan membakar rumah doanya, tetapi bakarlah dahulu kebencian yang ada di hatimu. Jika kebencian dalam hatimu sudah hangus, boleh jadi Anda berpikir dua kali untuk membakar rumah doa agama lain, atau boleh jadi Anda akan mengurungkan niat buruk itu karena sudah hangus bersama kebencian dalam hatimu."



Le testimonienze durante la veglia missionaria 2015
Diocesi di Parma
foto, qui
Un giovane, Roberta, del Gruppo Mission (India)
In quest’estate ha fatto esperienza a Calcutta presso le Missionarie della Carità di Madre Teresa. Calcutta è una città pieno di contraddizione. Caos, rumore ma anche pace, tranquillo con la presenza delle suore di Madre Teresa. C’è povertà ma è ricca di sorriso della gente.

Lei con i suoi compagni del gruppo hanno vissuto una esperienza molto bella. All'inizio—diceva Lei—hanno affrontato la difficoltà della lingua, ma, alla fine hanno scoperto una esperienza molto bella. Durante il servizio, le parole non servono, servono solo le azione.

Sono d’accordo con Lei. Anche io ho vissuto così. All'inizio quando ho fatto l'apostolato in una casa dei disabilità a Yogyakarta, il centro di Java, in Indonesia. Con quest’esperienza non ho paura di andare verso gli altri anche se non conosco la loro lingua. Perché basta con i gesti, la relazione si può fare, l’amicizia si può creare. E di solito, quest’esperienza è rimasta sempre nel cuore. Come diceva questa giovane, il nostro compito adesso è di portare quest’India al mondo. L’india sempre nel loro cuore. Adesso, dovrebbero condividere quello che hanno vissuto, quello che hanno nel cuore.

Miranda del Gruppo Amicizia Senza Frontiere (Burkinafasso)
Miranda ha vissuto una bella esperienza in un villaggio in Burkinafasso. Un giorno le suore la hanno chiesto di portare qualcosa alla gente vicine. La strada è solo un sentiero. Che però, si può passare con la bicicletta. Lei è andata in bicicletta. Le suore le hanno chiesto di portare anche una bottiglia d’acqua perché era caldissimo nell'estate.

Dopo aver consegnato e chiacchierato un po’ con la gente, lei è tornata. Peccato che in strada, la gomma del bicicletta Ã¨ stata bucato. Lei continuava a tornare con le mani bicicletta. Ad un certo punto, lei si è fermata in un bel posto. Ha bevuto tutto l’acqua. Poi, stava per chiamare le suore, è venuta una signora. Questa signora le guardava. Aveva i legni sopra la testa, e un bambino dietro le spalle. Con i gesti fanno capire tra di loro. La signora sembra abbia capito il problema. Poi, ha guardato la bottiglia vuota. Lei sì è fermata, ha appoggiato i legni per terra, e ha messo a sedere il bambino nell'ombra, poi se ne va.

Dopo 15-20 minuti, è tornata con una bottiglia in mano e con sorriso, ha consegnato la bottiglia con l’acqua a Miranda. Poi, lei ha continuato per sua strada.

È un gesto semplice ma ci ha insegnato tante cose belle della vita. la sensibilità, il sorriso, parlare con linguaggio dell’amore.

Mireille-Missionaria di Maria (è in partenza per la Thailandia)

Mirei aveva la gioa di aver conoscere Gesù. Lei voleva portare questa gioia dopo aver letto un romanzo che parla di un uomo che non ancora conosce il Dio. SI è chiesto, ma come mai fino adesso, c’è ancora la gente che non conosce Dio? vado anche io.

Una bella esperienza. Sta per partire per la Thailandia. Buon viaggio in missione Mire. Porta con la sua gioia. Condividila con la gente che ti incontrerei.

Parma, 16 ottobre 2015

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