Halloween party ideas 2015


Yesterday, me and my friends were walked to Brescia, Italy. We start from Parma, through Cremona, and finish in Brescia. This travelling is very interest. We spend 2 hour at way. We return in the morning and arrived at 20.00 in Parma. I want to share some photos of this travelling.

This is the morning panorama at street, out of Parma city.

The morning panorama. The green grass.

 Very far from Parma city. This is a panorama when we were out of city. The street is free.

We through in Cremona. We follow the usual way. We through the toll road at Cremona.

 The Po River. The Po River is the river most long and most big in Italy. We through this when the temperature was bad. There was fog at around way.

When we were near to Brescia. 

In Brescia, we followed the Indonesian Culture Show. This is one stand of this show. We listen the explaining of guide. And also watching the some videos from Indonesia that tell us about Indonesian Culture.

Brescia city near the Montain. Many people that live at Montain.

This is a site of Brescia city at Roman Empire long times ago. 

Yesterday, me and my friends were walked to Brescia, Italy. We start from Parma, through Cremona, and finish in Brescia. This travelling is very interest. We spend 2 hour at way. We return in the morning and arrived at 20.00 in Parma. I want to share some photos of this travelling.

Photo, Gordi

This is the morning panorama at street, out of Parma city.

Photo, Gordi

The morning panorama. The green grass.

Photo, Gordi
 Very far from Parma city. This is a panorama when we were out of city. The street is free.

Photo, Gordi

We through in Cremona. We follow the usual way. We through the toll road at Cremona.

Photo, Gordi
 The Po River. The Po River is the river most long and most big in Italy. We through this when the temperature was bad. There was fog at around way.

Photo, Gordi
When we were near to Brescia. 

Photo, Gordi

In Brescia, we followed the Indonesian Culture Show. This is one stand of this show. We listen the explaining of guide. And also watching the some videos from Indonesia that tell us about Indonesian Culture.

Photo, Gordi

Brescia city near the Montain. Many people that live at Montain.

Photo, Gordi

This is a site of Brescia city at Roman Empire long times ago. 

gambar, lampost.co
Kau datang lagi
Tak bosan-bosan
Membawa obat-obatan
Juga senyuman indah

Saya kagum tiap kali kamu datang
Saya senang kamu menyapa
Saya bahagia mendengar nasihatmu
Saya tertarik dengan langkahmu

Kamu datang lagi
Karena aku memanggilmu
Saya butuh kamu
Cairan infus ini hampir habis

Saya tekan tombol ini
Di sana ada bunyi
Mungkin mengganggu obrolan kalian
Tapi kamu tetap datang

Saya anggap kamu seperti ibuku
Merawat dan memberi saya obat
Setiap pagi menyapa
Seolah-olah kita sudah kenal

Saya kagum
Kamu selalu datang
Memberi senyum
Pada kami, para pasien

Entah mengapa
Saya iri dengan sikapmu
Mudah akrab
Mudah menyapa

Terima kasih tuk teladanmu
Kelak saya akan mempraktikkannya
Saya tersenyum
Saya menyapa

PA, 22/2/13

The picture from internet
Through the game, get knowledge. This is the title of this writing. I don’t know how the reader understanding this title. I think this is a simple sentence. But, maybe it's more difficult meaning. Moreover, the readers more clever than me. Isn’t it?

I want to tell about my experience today (Thursday, 19th December). Certainty the experience about my activity. This morning, in Italian Language Class, we did one lesson. But, you don’t think that the lesson is like this. The teacher teaches us to read, write, explain, and so on. No.

We studied with gaming. We made one game. There was a picture of a Christmas tree in the whiteboard. At the top of this tree there was one star. Maybe star of David. And every branch there was one alphabet. There were 18 alphabets that the part of this sentences BUON NATALE BUON ANNO, merry Christmas and happy new year. How we did the game?

We divided in 2 groups. One group consists of 2 persons. My group was elected to be play maker. We chose one alphabet. Then, we replied the asking that was asked by our teacher. If we can reply correctly, we get one alphabet. If not, the alphabet belongs to another group. There was 9 asking for every group (because there were 18 alphabets). And our group was won. We got 10 alphabets.

This game is very simple. But, it is very difficult to reply the askings. I was happy done this game. The subject of asking is general knowledge about the history of Christmas. One of these asking is Ehre did born the song The Silent Night? This song born in Austria.

Life is beautiful when we live the daily life like a game.We must get the joyful in the game. And life is like a game. If not, we can not get the beautiful of our life.

Natal sudah dekat
Persiapan pun segera dibuat
Bahkan ada yang sudah
Lebih lagi ada yang mulai tukar kado

Tapi aku belum satu pun
Pikirkan hadiah belum
Siapkan hiasan natal belum
Kartu ucapan belum

Padahal aku sudah mulai terima
Terima, terima, dan terima
Kiriman kartu ucapan
Hadiah berupa marana

Juga kiriman lainnya
Buku bacaan, pakaian, sepatu
Gambar yang indah
Pemandangan yang memukau

Dan aku?????
Hanya terpana dan terpukau
Keluar rumah dan terpukau
Dari sudut kota hingga pusat kota
Semuanya penuh hiasan natal

Pohon natal
Lampu kerlap-kerlip
Gambar poster
Juga promosi hadih natal di mol-mol

Pebisnis juga ikut beraksi
Juga penyedia iklan
Dan tukang promosi lainnya
Dan aku diam saja???

Bicara natal pun aku tidak
Aku hanya tahu natal segera tiba
Juga aku hanya menjawab YA kalau diajak liburan
Dan menjawab TERIMA KASIH setelah menerima kiriman

Menerima tanpa memberi memang tidak baik
Kalau aku tak punya uang untuk membeli kado?
Masihkah aku bisa memberikan sesuatu sebagai kado natal?
Uang memang bukan ukuran untuk pemberian

Dan aku, aku mencari bentuk pemberian yang lain
Boleh jadi salah satunya dengan memberi salam
Ini juga termasuk pemberian
Pemberian diri

Sekadar salam yang imaterial
Tetapi ini menjadi materi yang penting dalam diriku
Karena aku memberinya dari lubuk hati
Bukan sekadar ucapan mencari perhatian atau kewajiban

Inilah kado natalku kali ini
Masih menunggu yang lainnya
Jika ada, jika tidak
Ini yang bisa aku lakukan

Prm, 16/12/13

*Pernah dimuat di fiksi-kompasiana

picture from internet
One day my Italian Language Teacher give me a task very simple. Make holiday planning for him. Certainly, I must know what that she wants or his hobby. If his hobby is swimming, I make planning holiday about a holiday at the beach. It same if she wants to hike in the mountain.

Therefore, at that time I made holiday planning differently. Holiday in Rome and visit the old Church for 5 days. One day for going and one day since coming back. Just 7 days for holiday. She lives at home of his friend. She visits one church every day. Therefore, five churches visit. Nevertheless, she can do more if she wants.

This task is simple. However, it is difficult when I explain and write in Italian Language. How I explain one thing simple in the new language. However, I am happy with it. Because I did it for others.

Whenever and wherever, doing for others is not easy. However, if it's done happily, it is easier. Simpler is not always meanly easy and the easy is not always meanly simple. Moreover, Life is Beautiful.

Gambar dari internet
Hari ini unik. Hari Rabu di bulan Desember. Menjadi unik karena susunan tanggal, bulan, dan tahunnya. Urutan yang menarik. 11 kemudian 12 lalu 13. Tanggal 11, bulan 12, tahun 13 (2013). Menarik dan unik bukan?

Banyak orang menghindari angka 13. Terutama dalam dunia bisnis, angka ini, seolah-olah membawa sial. Angka 13, menurut mitos-bisnis, berarti tidak beruntung. Entah ini benar atau tidak. Tetapi banyak yang yakin. Berarti boleh jadi benar.

Saya lihat sendiri di salah satu hoteel di Bogor-Puncak, tidak ada kamar dengan nomor 13. Misalnya 112 lalu lompat 114. Atau 212 lalu lompat 214. Boleh jadi di hotel lain juga demikian. Kalau saya tidak salah di pesawat Lion Air juga demikian. Nomor kursi penumpang tidak ada yang 13. Saya lupa apakah di gerbong kereta SENJA Yogya juga demikian. Tetapi, seingat saya di bis SAFARI DHARMA RAYA dan RAMAYANA jurusan Yogyakarta-Jakarta tidak demikian. Di situ ada kursi penumpang nomor 13. Berarti mitos di atas tidak berlaku.

Angka 13 menjadi menarik kala disusun seperti di atas. Dan, kebetulan saja, susuanan itu tepat sekali ditempatkan hari ini. 11, 12, 13 adalah susuanan yang menarik. Tanpa melihat sial-tidaknya, untung-tidaknya hari ini.

Salam dari Parma, Italia


This evening (1st November 2013), me and my friends went to burying ground. This is one of many famous places. Because finally, we all will die . And when the time is arriving, we go to there. Burying place that we visit today also becomes famous place. This is an example of many burying place others.
Picture from internet

We went in there by bicycle. Through in a big way and in the same places we cross that's. Today, in the Catholic Church Calender, is The Fest of all Saints. Whereas tomorrow is The Feast of all Souls Day. The second is a commemoration of dead. These memories are celebs in Roman Catholic Church. Maybe also in Anglican Church and Orthodox Church.Then, what is the relation between this Festas and our visit this evening?

In Italy, usually, at this time, many people visit the burying. Like today, many people come here. We entered in this group. I remember, in Indonesia, these traditions don't popular. I see in a few places like that here.

And, this is a first time for me visiting the burying in Italy. There were many burying. Generally, in group. Group of family, of factory, and others groups. Moreover, there are many forms of burying. House forms, palace forms, and so on. This is more interesting. I enjoyed seeing all this.

I reflect that I will go there at one moment. My body, our body, puts on underground, whereas our name put at either place. Not like in my village, the name be put above the burying. This is certain depend on culture. My culture is different from the Italian, the Parma's culture. When we walk around this place, I always look and read the list of the names. I know, the corpus, the body of this list be put in underground. We didn't see the body. We just see the lists.

At partly this time, I remember at my brother, my grandfather, my grandmother, my aunt, and my friends who had dead at many years ago. I pray for them, Lord, may they lived with you in heaven, give them your forgiveness.

Parma, 1st November 2013


Picture from internet

I was happy at this night. This happiness doesn't relate to my activity. It's related with what about that I eat. Me and my friend in community.
This night, we eat NASI GORENG. This moment becomes special because we usually eat Italian foods. Spaghetti, Pasta, Pitza, and so on. But, this night, at dinner, we all eat nasi goreng.

Nasi Goreng is one of Indonesian Foods that most famous. Everywhere Indonesian look for this food. There are that make it. This becomes the indication that many people, Indonesians, like Nasi Goreng.
I don't know why we eat Nasi Goreng at dinner. Maybe this is planed. This night is the end of this month. Usually, at this time, there are birthday celebrated. At dinner, MC called they who are celebrating birthday in this month.
And, I am happy at this night. I take twice. There are my friends that do it. They like NASI GORENG. I am very satisfied. Bravo NASI GORENG.
This is my story. I am sure that many Indonesians have story about NASI GORENG. I wait your sharing.
Parma, 31/10/13

Picture from internet
Last night (Saturday, 26th October) the time in Italy, maybe in Europe generally, is change. The time retreat one hour. From 24.00 became 23.00. I had known that at last month ago from my friends. They told me if at one moment next time the time in Italy will be changed. That our talking has happened.

I am happy, like my friends. I can add one hour for sleep. And also for the others activity. One of my friends tells me that when the time is change we are not very tire. Certainly, because we have many times for the rest.

I don't know with my physic. May I hope that I am not very tire, like my friends said. This is the time to adapt to my new culture. And may I hope that my physic can adapt well. The time is changing and my activity also is changed automatically.

I think that not also time that changing. I also must change. Certainly, changing to good things. I wake up from my mistakes, my weakly, my errors, and so on.
So, time changing mean I also change.



Photo from internet
Last night we partecipated in a meeting with a group of young people. In Italia called Scot, in English Scout, in Indonesia, Pramuka. They were a group of young people that help the others. Everyone that needs help. Certainly, if they can. If not, he is unfortunate. Ha-ha, this is my joke.
I and my friends, Alex, Philbert, and Matias went to a place where meeting did. We went by car, Panda Biancho, White Panda. The panda is a popular name of the car. It is not the name of the animal. I enjoyed this travel.

But more enjoyed when meeting with this group. They were young people. They have a new spirit, partly, spirit to help. And I see they really have a passion. I don't know how they did. I just see their passion in this meeting. May be, and I hope, they also give their passion to people whom they assist.

I thank to them, young people, who have the passion to help. They, 20 people at this meeting, are a group that elected. They like the apostles who Jesus elected. I can learn something from this group. But most important for me is I also must have passion in my activity daily. I and also you, love readers must have passion in our activity daily. Old quoted saying that whoever has passion will be gain double. So, do you want to things double?

I want. I think you also wants. Let us give passion in our activity. (Gordi)

Listening is one word that more important. Why I said that? I said because now I have many times to Hearing. I just listen because I can not speak many things. I am studying a new language and I don't have many words to speak. But I always try to speak every day. One word, one sentence, one paragraph, one argument, and so on. This exercise practice that helped me for studying.

I don't speak or I just listen but I am also learning. Learning by doing, said proverb popular. But for me, learn by listening. I just hear but with that, I learn many things. After listening time I must speak. This time to listen and next time to speak. Listening than Speaking. Not good if always listening. Because the listening must be followed by speaking. This is a way to study a new language. (Gordi)

ILLUSTRATE: 10best.com  

Today I and my friends are walking in the shopping center. In the Italian language are called Supermercato. That is not far from our house. We went with our Italian language teacher. And, how about you, what we did? Just walking? Like the title of this writing?
Just that is not. Really, we are not shopping. This is real. But we just not to walk. We are walking with just the intention. Before walking, we are given one letter that contents some guidance. Example, what price for one-kilogram fruits, fishes, and so on. Many others guidance.
We were divided into two groups. I and my friend, Basile, in one group. We look for the baby books, kind of fruits in autumn, kind of flash, kind of wine, vino in the Italian language, how much cost for one bottles milk, and so on.
I enjoy this task. And I cooperate with my friend, Basile. Together we seek these. There are two or three that we don't find. We ask to our teacher. She showed little by little. She has not guided things that we are searching but she takes us the way to there. And so on we try to find it. We have succeeded find it. We are happy.
For me, experience today is unique. I am Indonesian, my friends are Brasilian, Kamerun, and Kongo, and our teacher, our guide is Italian. Thanks to our teacher. (Gordi)

gambar dari jakarta.bisnis.com
Hujan ini tiada henti. Minggu ketiga bulan September yang lalu, turun hujan pertama di Parma, Italia. Saya mulai merasakan dinginnya Italia saat itu. Padahal hujannya hanya sebentar saja. Rupanya hujan itu belum seberapa. Kini, saya merasakan dingin yang lebih dingin dari itu.
Sejak kemarin, Parma dilanda hujan. Pagi, siang, dan malam. Kapan berhentinya? Saya pikir, sebentar lagi. Ternyata tidak. Hujan turun terus. Wah….. Ya, hujan di sini memang tiada henti. Bisa sampai beberapa hari atau bahkan berminggu. Hujan tiada henti. Tentu hujannya tidak seperti hujan di Indonesia.
Di sini, hujannya tidak deras. Seperti hujan gerimis di Indonesia. Tetapi hujannya lama. Lihat saja, sudah 2 hari ini hujan turun terus. Tiada henti. Di dalam ruangan mungkin tidak terasa. Kalau buka kaca jendela baru kelihatan hujannya. Kalau tidak, rasanya seperti tidak ada hujan. Padahal di luar hujan.
Lalu suhunya? Nah inilah yang saya rasakan. Suhu di sini dingin sekali. Padahal masih musim gugur. Katanya, pada musim dingin suhunya lebih dingin lagi. Tadi, saja, saat bekerja dalam ruangan, saya melihat suhu di situ 14°C. di luar pasti lebih rendah lagi. Soalnya kalau keluar rumah, terasa dingin sekali. Begitu pintu dibuka, suhu dingin sudah masuk dalam tubuh.
Kata teman saya, hujan di sini memang seperti itu. Jangan kaget nanti kalau hujan tiada henti selama berminggu-minggu. Demikian juga dengan rasa dingin yang menusuk tubuh. Seolah-olah rasa dingin itu ingin menguasai tubuh ini. Manusia memang kadang-kadang harus berjuang dengan situasi sekitarnya.
Saya salut dengan orang di sini. Hujan begini dan suhu serendah ini masih beraktivitas. Jalanan masih lalu lalang dengan mobil, sepeda motor, juga pejalan kaki dan sepeda ontel. Saya juga mau seperti mereka. Tanah ini sekarang jadi tempat hidup saya. Saya ingin menyesuaikan diri dengan mereka.
Saya ingat guru bahasa Italia saya yang datang setiap pagi mengajar kami. Menembus hujan gerimis dan suhu dingin. Sementara saya menikmati suhu yang masih lebih hangat dari yang mereka rasakan. Itulah sebabnya saya mencoba berjuang mengatasi rasa dingin ini saat mengikuti pertemuan dengan teman-teman di paroki pada malam atau sore hari. Saya juga harus menembus hujan dan suhu dingin. Belum lancar berbahasa Italia tetapi saya ingin mendengar dan menyimak pembicaraan mereka. Siapa tahu sambil mengatasi rasa dingin dan hujan ini, saya pelan-pelan (pian-piano, dalam bahasa Italia) mengerti bahasa ini.  (bersambung)
Parma, 7 September 2013

October 20, 2013

 Dear Brothers and Sisters,
This year, as we celebrate World Mission Day, the Year of Faith, which is an important opportunity to strengthen our friendship with the Lord and our journey as a Church that preaches the Gospel with courage, comes to an end. From this perspective, I would like to propose some reflections.

1. Faith is God’s precious gift, which opens our mind to know and love him. He wants to enter into relationship with us and allow us to participate in his own life in order to make our life more meaningful, better and more beautiful. God loves us! Faith, however, needs to be accepted, it needs our personal response, the courage to entrust ourselves to God, to live his love and be grateful for his infinite mercy. It is a gift, not reserved for a few but offered with generosity. Everyone should be able to experience the joy of being loved by God, the joy of salvation! It is a gift that one cannot keep to oneself, but it is to be shared. If we want to keep it only to ourselves, we will become isolated, sterile and sick Christians. The proclamation of the Gospel is part of being disciples of Christ and it is a constant commitment that animates the whole life of the Church. Missionary outreach is a clear sign of the maturity of an ecclesial community" (BENEDICT XVI, Verbum Domini, 95). Each community is "mature" when it professes faith, celebrates it with joy during the liturgy, lives charity, proclaims the Word of God endlessly, leaves one’s own to take it to the “peripheries”, especially to those who have not yet had the opportunity to know Christ. The strength of our faith, at a personal and community level, can be measured by the ability to communicate it to others, to spread and live it in charity, to witness to it before those we meet and those who share the path of life with us.

2. The Year of Faith, fifty years after the beginning of the Second Vatican Council, motivates the entire Church towards a renewed awareness of its presence in the contemporary world and its mission among peoples and nations. Missionary spirit is not only about geographical territories, but about peoples, cultures and individuals, because the "boundaries" of faith do not only cross places and human traditions, but the heart of each man and each woman. The Second Vatican Council emphasized in a special way how the missionary task, that of broadening the boundaries of faith, belongs to every baptized person and all Christian communities; since “the people of God lives in communities, especially in dioceses and parishes, and becomes somehow visible in them, it is up to these to witness Christ before the nations" (Ad Gentes, 37). Each community is therefore challenged, and invited to make its own, the mandate entrusted by Jesus to the Apostles, to be his "witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8) and this, not as a secondary aspect of Christian life, but as its essential aspect: we are all invited to walk the streets of the world with our brothers and sisters, proclaiming and witnessing to our faith in Christ and making ourselves heralds of his Gospel. I invite Bishops, Priests, Presbyteral and Pastoral Councils, and each person and group responsible in the Church to give a prominent position to this missionary dimension in formation and pastoral programmes, in the understanding that their apostolic commitment is not complete unless it aims at bearing witness to Christ before the nations and before all peoples. This missionary aspect is not merely a programmatic dimension in Christian life, but it is also a paradigmatic dimension that affects all aspects of Christian life.

3. The work of evangelization often finds obstacles, not only externally, but also from within the ecclesial community. Sometimes there is lack of fervour, joy, courage and hope in proclaiming the Message of Christ to all and in helping the people of our time to an encounter with him. Sometimes, it is still thought that proclaiming the truth of the Gospel means an assault on freedom. Paul VI speaks eloquently on this: "It would be... an error to impose something on the consciences of our brethren. But to propose to their consciences the truth of the Gospel and salvation in Jesus Christ, with complete clarity and with total respect for free options which it presents... is a tribute to this freedom" (Evangelii Nuntiandi, 80). We must always have the courage and the joy of proposing, with respect, an encounter with Christ, and being heralds of his Gospel. Jesus came among us to show us the way of salvation and he entrusted to us the mission to make it known to all to the ends of the earth. All too often, we see that it is violence, lies and mistakes that are emphasized and proposed. It is urgent in our time to announce and witness to the goodness of the Gospel, and this from within the Church itself. It is important never to forget a fundamental principle for every evangelizer: one cannot announce Christ without the Church. Evangelization is not an isolated individual or private act; it is always ecclesial. Paul VI wrote, "When an unknown preacher, catechist or Pastor, preaches the Gospel, gathers the little community together, administers a Sacrament, even alone, he is carrying out an ecclesial act." He acts not "in virtue of a mission which he attributes to himself or by a personal inspiration, but in union with the mission of the Church and in her name" (ibid. 60). And this gives strength to the mission and makes every missionary and evangelizer feel never alone, but part of a single Body animated by the Holy Spirit.

4. In our era, the widespread mobility and facility of communication through new media have mingled people, knowledge, experience. For work reasons, entire families move from one continent to another; professional and cultural exchanges, tourism, and other phenomena have also led to great movements of peoples. This makes it difficult, even for the parish community, to know who lives permanently or temporarily in the area. More and more, in large areas of what were traditionally Christian regions, the number of those who are unacquainted with the faith, or indifferent to the religious dimension or animated by other beliefs, is increasing. Therefore it is not infrequent that some of the baptized make lifestyle choices that lead them away from faith, thus making them need a "new evangelization". To all this is added the fact that a large part of humanity has not yet been reached by the good news of Jesus Christ. We also live in a time of crisis that touches various sectors of existence, not only the economy, finance, food security, or the environment, but also those involving the deeper meaning of life and the fundamental values that animate it. Even human coexistence is marked by tensions and conflicts that cause insecurity and difficulty in finding the right path to a stable peace. In this complex situation, where the horizon of the present and future seems threatened by menacing clouds, it is necessary to proclaim courageously and in very situation, the Gospel of Christ, a message of hope, reconciliation, communion, a proclamation of God's closeness, his mercy, his salvation, and a proclamation that the power of God’s love is able to overcome the darkness of evil and guide us on the path of goodness. The men and women of our time need the secure light that illuminates their path and that only the encounter with Christ can give. Let us bring to the world, through our witness, with love, the hope given by faith! The Church’s missionary spirit is not about proselytizing, but the testimony of a life that illuminates the path, which brings hope and love. The Church – I  repeat once again – is not a relief organization, an enterprise or an NGO, but a community of people, animated by the Holy Spirit, who have lived and are living the wonder of the encounter with Jesus Christ and want to share this experience of deep joy, the message of salvation that the Lord gave us. It is the Holy Spirit who guides the Church in this path.

5. I would like to encourage everyone to be a bearer of the good news of Christ and I am grateful especially to missionaries, to the Fidei Donum priests, men and women religious and lay faithful - more and more numerous – who by accepting the Lord's call, leave their homeland to serve the Gospel in different lands and cultures. But I would also like to emphasize that these same young Churches are engaging generously in sending missionaries to the Churches that are in difficulty - not infrequently Churches of ancient Christian tradition – and thus bring the freshness and enthusiasm with which they live the faith, a faith that renews life and gives hope.  To live in this universal dimension, responding to the mandate of Jesus: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Mt 28, 19) is something enriching for each particular Church, each community, because sending missionaries is never a loss, but a gain. I appeal to all those who feel this calling to respond generously to the Holy Spirit, according to your state in life, and not to be afraid to be generous with the Lord. I also invite Bishops, religious families, communities and all Christian groups to support, with foresight and careful discernment, the missionary call ad gentesand to assist Churches that need priests, religious and laity, thus strengthening the Christian community. And this concern should also be present among Churches that are part of the same Episcopal Conference or Region, because it is important that Churches rich in vocations help more generously those that lack them.

At the same time I urge missionaries, especially the Fidei Donum priests and laity, to live with joy their precious service in the Churches to which they are sent and to bring their joy and experience to the Churches from which they come, remembering how Paul and Barnabas at the end of their first missionary journey "reported what God had done with them and how he had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles" (Acts 14:27). They can become a path to a kind of "return" of faith, bringing the freshness of the young Churches to Churches of ancient Christian tradition, and thus helping them to rediscover the enthusiasm and the joy of sharing the faith in an exchange that is mutual enrichment in the journey of following the path of the Lord.

The concern for all the Churches that the Bishop of Rome shares with his brother Bishops finds an important expression in the activity of the Pontifical Mission Societies, which are meant to animate and deepen the missionary conscience of every baptized Christian, and of every community, by reminding them of the need for a more profound missionary formation of the whole People of God and by encouraging the Christian community to contribute to the spread of the Gospel in the world.

Finally I wish to say a word about those Christians who, in various parts of the world, experience difficulty in openly professing their faith and in enjoying the legal right to practice it in a worthy manner.  They are our brothers and sisters, courageous witnesses - even more numerous than the martyrs of the early centuries - who endure with apostolic perseverance many contemporary forms of persecution. Quite a few also risk their lives to remain faithful to the Gospel of Christ. I wish to reaffirm my closeness in prayer to individuals, families and communities who suffer violence and intolerance, and I repeat to them the consoling words of Jesus: "Take courage, I have overcome the world" (Jn 16:33).

Benedict XVI expressed the hope that: "The word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified everywhere" (2 Thes 3:1): May this Year of Faith increasingly strengthen our relationship with Christ the Lord, since only in him is there the certitude for looking to the future and the guarantee of an authentic and lasting love" (Porta fidei, 15). This is my wish for World Mission Day this year. I cordially bless missionaries and all those who accompany and support this fundamental commitment of the Church to proclaim the Gospel to all the ends of the earth. Thus will we, as ministers and missionaries of the Gospel, experience "the delightful and comforting joy of evangelizing" (PAUL VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, 80).

From the Vatican, 19 May 2013, Solemnity of Pentecost

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