Halloween party ideas 2015

18 GENNAIO 2015
di Roberto Laurita

il presepio a Brescia
E’ bello Gesù, scorgere le tappe
che conducono all’incontro con te,
rivivere i passaggi, le esperienze
che mi hanno portato alla fede.

Tutto comincia con una testimonianza,
quella resa dal Battista,
quella che anch’io ho ricevuto
da coloro che mi hanno
introdotto nella comunità.
Ma poi è decisivo il desiderio
che si accende nel cuore:
desiderio che si esprime
in una ricerca, in un interrogativo
che abita il cuore
e fa muovere i passi
sulle tue orme, Gesù.

Grazie, dunque, per i testimoni
In cui mi sono imbattuto,
ma grazie anche per tutti quelli
che hanno avuto la pazienza
di raccogliere le mie domande,
di ascoltare le mie richieste,
di rispondere ai miei dubbi.

Certo, per incontrarti veramente
non basta un contatto fugace,
un solo attimo travolgente:
dimorare con te,
restare a lungo ad ascoltarti
mi aiuta a porre le basi
di una relazione solida.
Solo così tu puoi trasformare
La mia mente e il mio cuore
E cambiarmi il nome.

*del foglietto per la messa alla Chiesa Santa Cristina-Parma.


God has the initiative to call us. He calls all the people. Sometimes, we need the other to understand his calling. We can hear his voice, but we can not know his identity. We need the other to know his voice. 

Samuel, for example, has heard the voice three times, but he can not know who is calling him. Eli gives him the advice to respond the voice. In other words, Samuel needs Eli to know God, the owner of the voice. The disciples (Andrea and Peter) of John see the master, but they don’t know who the master is. John helps them to know who the master is. It is interested in the Jesus’ responding, COME AND SEE. Knowing Jesus means go and live with Him.

I remember my experience when for the first time go out from my island Flores. I come from Flores to Bali Island with my friend. I am not alone. But, from Bali to Java, I am alone. I asked the information in the young mother. She gives me the information. She said that, don’t be afraid. I was happy listening to it.

I arrived in Yogyakarta because I followed her instruction. She didn’t say COME AND SEE, but she gives me the way of arriving at my direction. She stops at Solo, the city before Yogyakarta. Now, my thanks to her. I remember this experience and I have received her instruction. Her instruction is the great grace for me.

I have done it, COME AND SEE at His home. He stays near us. He looks at the peoples around us. He speaks at our friends, our teacher, our parents, our family. We must go far away until finding His staying.  We must ask the people until we know his voices, his way, his stay, and his instruction.

Now, we pray for the immigrants. Today is the migrants’ world day. I see many immigrants in Italia. I am one of them. I work with them at the parish, in the rural city. I have many friends of the immigrant’s family.



gambar dari forum.detik.com
Tulisan ini hanya numpang lewat. Tengok kompasiana dan ketemu banyak berita. Salah satu berita menarik adalah tentang para gadis. Ya, tentang gadis. Kebetulan ketemu beberapa berita. Topik pembicaraannya hanya satu yaitu tentang gadis. Mata lelaki langsung terciut mengkliknya karena tertarik dengan judul. 
Ada kata gadis. Gadis memang menarik. Berita sudah muncul. Mata langsung tertuju pada gadis charger itu. Badannya dipenuhi perabot charger. Katanya, dari situ bisa dicharger beberapa telepon gengam. Ini toh manfaatnya perabot itu. Bukan gadisnya yang men-charger telepon gengam.
Tengok berita sudah selesai. Dengan gambar saja sudah bisa tahu isinya. Tapi, biar tambah puas, baca juga beritanya. Ya, itu-itu juga, informasinya masih membahas tentang perabot charger.
Gadis ini memang untuk menarik perhatian. Meski tidak menjamin perabot tersebut bisa laris. Gadis ya gadis. Perabot ya perabot. Ya inilah pintarnya penjual. Menjual perabot dengan menarik perhatian. Cara menarik perhatian ya menyuruh gadis cantik menjualnya. Untunglah gadisnya tidak dijual. Kalau gadisnya sekalian dijual tambah heboh juga.
Pintarnya penjual menjual jualannya. Gadis cantik pun ikut terlibat. Gadis memang menarik. Jual mobil mewah pun, gadis juga terlibat. Pembeli juga tidak kalah. Maksud hati tidak membeli tetapi karena ada gadis cantik, pura-pura berlagak pembeli. Biar tak kalah pamor jadilah pembeli mobil. Tapi, ada juga pembeli yang memang maksudnya membeli mobil. Datang membeli sekalian melihat gadis cantik karena memang sudah ada di samping mobil.
Untunglah di sini aku tidak menemukannya. Pembeli di sini membeli karena membutuhkan. Butuh mobil ya beli mobil. Demikian juga penjual. Penjual mobil ya penjual tok. Tidak menjual yang lain. Tidak memakai yang lain untuk dijual. Jual aslinya bukan embel-embelnya.
Gadis itu tentu dapat uang dari hasil pamerannya. Laku banyak bayarnya banyak. Demikian bunyi berita di situ. Demikian sebaliknya. Gadis itu tampak tidak punya pekerjaan tetap. Bekerja jika ada promosi penjualan. Ini juga pekerjaan namanya. Tapi, pekerjaan yang banyak tergantungnya. Tergantung promosi penjualan. Tergantung seni menjual. Tergantung gaya menarik perhatian. Tergantung pembeli. Tergantung jenis produk.
Gadis memang cantik dan menarik perhatian. Tanpa menjadi gadis charger pun gadis tetap cantik. Ya namanya cari duit, kecantikan pun dijual. Tak salah. Toh, dunia post modern. Dunia kontemporer, kata para ahli. Bebas semau gue. Tapi jangan bebas keterlauan sampai melukai yang lain yah. Jangan sampai terjasi seperti “Charli Hebdo”.

11 GENNAIO 2015
di Roberto Laurita

FOTO da www.parrocchiasantamonica.it
Per questo sei venuto, Gesù, 
per questo ti sei fatto uomo.
Hai una missione da compiere:
strappare gli uomini alle forze del male,
liberarli da quanto rovina
e deturpa la loro esistenza
e dare loro la possibilità
di conoscere una vita nuova,
una pienezza sconosciuta.

Ecco perché ti mescoli
alla folla dei peccatori
e ricevi il battesimo di Giovanni,
tu che non hai peccati da cancellare
e sei il Figlio docile che realizza
la volontà del Padre tuo.

Ora, dunque, cielo e terra
non sono più distanti né separati:
con te Dio pianta stabilmente la sua tenda
in questa umanità, nella sua storia.
Tutti coloro che lo cercano
lo possono facilmente trovare.

Ora sono giunti finalmente
i tempi ultimi, tanto attesi,
quelli in cui lo Spirito agisce
e attraverso di te cambia
il cuore indurito e malato degli uomini
e lo trasforma in un cuore
capace veramente di amare.

Ora abbiamo la grazia
di riconoscere in te
l’autentico volto del Padre,
la sua bontà più forte e più tenace
dei nostri peccati e smarrimenti.

*del foglietto per la messa alla Chiesa Santa Cristina-Parma.

Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 7 January 2015

photo, www.mirror.co.uk 
The family - 2. The mother
Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning. Today we continue with catecheses on the Church and we will reflect on Mother Church. The Church is mother. Our Holy Mother Church. 
In these days the Church’s liturgy sets before our eyes the icon of the Virgin Mary, Mother of God. The first day of the year is the Feast of the Mother of God, followed by the Epiphany, commemorating the visit of the Magi. The Evangelist Matthew writes: “going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him” (Mt 2:11). It is the Mother who, after giving birth to him, presents the Son to the world. She gives us Jesus, she shows us Jesus, she lets us see Jesus.
Let us continue with the catecheses on the family, and in the family there is the mother. Every human person owes his or her life to a mother, and almost always owes much of what follows in life, both human and spiritual formation, to her. Yet, despite being highly lauded from a symbolic point of view — many poems, many beautiful things said poetically of her — the mother is rarely listened to or helped in daily life, rarely considered central to society in her role. Rather, often the readiness of mothers to make sacrifices for their children is taken advantage of so as to “save” on social spending.
It also happens that in Christian communities the mother is not always held in the right regard, she is barely heard. Yet the centre of the life of the Church is the Mother of Jesus. Perhaps mothers, ready to sacrifice so much for their children and often for others as well, ought to be listened to more. We should understand more about their daily struggle to be efficient at work and attentive and affectionate in the family; we should better grasp what they aspire to in order to express the best and most authentic fruits of their emancipation. A mother with her children always has problems, always work. I remember there were five of us children at home, and while one was doing one thing, the other wanted to do another, and our poor mama went back and forth from one’s side to another, but she was happy. She gave us so much.
Mothers are the strongest antidote to the spread of self-centred individualism. “Individual” means “what cannot be divided”. Mothers, instead, “divide” themselves, from the moment they bear a child to give him to the world and help him grow. It is they, mothers, who most hate war, which kills their children. Many times I have thought of those mothers who receive the letter: “I inform you that your son has fallen in defense of his homeland...”. The poor women! How a mother suffers! It is they who testify to the beauty of life. Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero said that mothers experience a “martyrdom of motherhood”. In the homily for the funeral of a priest assassinated by death squads, he said, recalling the Second Vatican Council: “We must be ready to die for our faith, even if the Lord does not grant us this honour.... Giving one’s life does not only mean being killed; giving one’s life, having the spirit of a martyr, it is in giving in duty, in silence, in prayer, in honest fulfilment of his duty; in that silence of daily life; giving one’s life little by little. Yes, like it is given by a mother, who without fear and with the simplicity of the martyrdom of motherhood, conceives a child in her womb, gives birth to him, nurses him, helps them grow and cares for them with affection. She gives her life. That’s martyrdom”. End quote. Yes, being a mother doesn’t only mean bringing a child to the world, but it is also a life choice. What does a mother choose, what is the life choice of a mother? The life choice of a mother is the choice to give life. And this is great, this is beautiful.
A society without mothers would be a dehumanized society, for mothers are always, even in the worst moments, witnesses of tenderness, dedication and moral strength. Mothers often pass on the deepest sense of religious practice: in a human being’s life, the value of faith is inscribed in the first prayers, the first acts of devotion that a child learns. It is a message that believing mothers are able to pass on without much explanation: these come later, but the seed of faith is those early precious moments. Without mothers, not only would there be no new faithful, but the faith would lose a good part of its simple and profound warmth. And the Church is mother, with all of this, she is our mother! We are not orphans, we have a mother! Our Lady, mother Church, is our mom. We are not orphans, we are children of the Church, we are children of Our Lady, and we are children of our mothers.
Dearest mothers, thank you, thank you for what you are in your family and for what you give to the Church and the world. And to you, beloved Church, thank you, thank you for being mother. And to you, Mary, Mother of God, thank you for letting us see Jesus. And thank you for all the mammas present here: let us salute them with a round of applause!
I greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors taking part in today’s Audience, including the various groups from Ireland, Finland, Indonesia, Australia and the United States of America. In the joy of this Christmas season, I invoke upon you and your families grace and peace in the Lord Jesus, Son of God and Son of Mary, our Mother. God bless you all!
Dear faithful, in this Christmas season, looking to Mary, Mother of God, I would like to address all mothers. Dearest moms, thank you, thank you for what you are in the family and for what you give to the Church and the world. May the blessing of God be with you always. Praised be Jesus Christ.
First of all, I would like to thank the people from the circus who have come here. Here’s a thought: “Let’s go to the circus, we’ll have a little fun...”. Yes, that’s true, the circus is a spectacle and we have a good time there. We also see men and women perform unusual feats, who have great balance: yes, this is true, we’ve seen it. There they are, let’s all greet them! But they also teach us something more. People who perform in the circus create beauty, they are creators of beauty. And this is good for the soul. How much we need beauty! It’s true, our life is very practical, we make things, we keep working, it has to be done: making, the language of hands, making. But our life is also thinking, reasoning. And this is important because we are animals who think; we don’t think like animals! We are animals who think. Thinking, the language of the mind, is important. We are also people who love, who have the capacity to love: the language of the heart. There is the language of the mind, thinking; the language of the heart, loving; the language of hands, making. And these three languages all join together to create the harmony of the person. And that’s where beauty is; and these people who performed this spectacle today are creators of harmony, creators of beauty, who teach the best way to beauty. God is certainly truth, God is certainly good, God certainly knows how to make things, he created the world. But above all, God is beautiful! The beauty of God. So often we forget about beauty! Mankind thinks, feels, makes, but is in such need today of beauty. Let’s not forget this and thank these people: skilled performers, skilled at balance, skilled showpeople, but most of all skilled at creating beauty. Thank you all so much.
I extend cordial wishes of hope and peace for the new year to all Italian-speaking pilgrims present at this first General Audience of 2015. I greet the Merciful Sisters and the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family, here for their respective General Chapters, and I exhort them to pass down, through the witness of their life, the joy of faithful correspondence to the divine call. I greet you, members of Liana Orfei’s Golden Circus; and I encourage you to be not only bringers of smiles and messengers of solidarity among peoples and nations, but most of all creators of beauty, we need it!
I address a special thought to the young people, the sick and the newlyweds. I call the newlyweds courageous because today it takes courage to get married! They are good. After the Solemnity of the Epiphany, let us, too, continue to look to the star that the Magi followed. Dearyoung people, may you be enthusiastic witnesses to the light of Christ for your peers; dear sick people, may you draw courage from this light in your pain; and you, dear newlyweds, may you be signs of the luminous presence of God with your faithful love.
© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana 

Saint Peter's Square
Sunday, 28 December 2014

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Good morning,
On this first Sunday after Christmas, while we are still immersed in the joyous climate of celebration, the Church calls us to contemplate the Holy Family of Nazareth. The Gospel today presents Our Lady and St Joseph at the time when, 40 days after Jesus’ birth, they go to the temple in Jerusalem. They do so in religious obedience to the Law of Moses, which requires that the first born son be presented to the Lord (cf. Lk 2:22-24). 

We can imagine this tiny family, in the midst of so many people, in the temple’s grand courtyards. They do not stand out, they are not distinguishable.... Yet they do not pass unnoticed! Two elderly people, Simeon and Anna, moved by the Holy Spirit, approach and praise God for that Child, in whom they recognize the Messiah, the light of the people and the salvation of Israel (cf. Lk 2:22-38). It is a simple moment but rich with prophecy: the encounter between two young spouses full of joy and faith due to the grace of the Lord; and two elderly people also filled with joy and faith through the action of the Spirit. Who causes them to meet? Jesus. Jesus makes them meet: young and old. Jesus is He who brings generations closer. He is the font of that love which unites families and people, conquering all diffidence, all isolation, all distance. This causes us to also think of grandparents: how important their presence is, the presence of grandparents! How precious their role is in the family and in society! A good relationship between the young and the elderly is crucial for the journey of the civil and ecclesial community. Looking at these two elderly people — Simeon and Anna — let us greet from here, with applause, all the worlds’ grandparents.

The message that comes from the Holy Family is first of all a message of faith. In the family life of Mary and Joseph, God is truly at the centre, and He is so in the Person of Jesus. This is why the Family of Nazareth is holy. Why? Because it is centred on Jesus.

When parents and children together breathe in this climate of faith, they have an energy that allows them to face even difficult trials, as the experience of the Holy Family shows, for example, in the dramatic event of their flight to Egypt: a difficult ordeal.

The Baby Jesus with his Mother Mary and with St Joseph are a simple but so luminous icon of the family. The light it casts is the light of mercy and salvation for all the world, the light of truth for every man, for the human family and for individual families. This light which comes from the Holy Family encourages us to offer human warmth in those family situations in which, for various reasons, peace is lacking, harmony is lacking, and forgiveness is lacking. May our concrete solidarity not diminish especially with regard to the families who are experiencing more difficult situations due to illness, unemployment, discrimination, the need to emigrate.... Let us pause here for a moment and pray in silence for all these families in difficulty, whether due to problems of illness, unemployment, discrimination, need to emigrate, due to difficulty in understanding each other and also to disunion. Let us pray in silence for all these families....

(Hail Mary...).

Let us entrust to Mary, Queen and mother of the family, all the families of the world, that they may live in faith, in accord, in reciprocal aid, and for this I invoke upon them the maternal protection of the One who was the mother and daughter of her Son.

© Copyright - Libreria Editrice Vaticana

The Lake of Molvenno-Italy
I want to say, happy New Year to the readers. Yes, the first January is passed away, but now, we are yet in the first month of this year. Let me say, Happy New Year to all you at this moment. This is the love of mine for all you in the early of this year.
Yes, the love. It is not the love between the boyfriend and girlfriend, but the love between the father and his son. I am not a racist. We can say also the love between the mother and the female child. Or, in other words, the love between the children’s and their parents. In the Greek language this love called the agape.
We can limit in the first sign that is the love between the Father and the Son.  In this context, we intend the love between Jesus and his Father. Today, we see this love in The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan Lake. We know that the John of Baptist is a sinner. But, Jesus chose him to become the actor of this baptism.
With this event, we are invited to enter into the love of God. The love removes sins. We have the sins. We are the sinners. We have received the baptism so that we have received the love of God. We are the sinners; we are baptized like Jesus in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. He canceled our sins. Now, we thank God that gives us the occasion to enter into his love.
God, I love you
My parents, I love you
My brothers and sisters, I love you
My teacher, I love you
My formers, I love you all
My friends, I love you

Happy Sunday

foto, koleksi pribaadi
Ya, buang percuma 10 €
Sepuluh euro bukan uang kecil
Nilainya besar jika dirupiahkan
Dalam euro saja sudah besar

Angka euro tertinggi saja hanya 50
Lima kali dari nilai uang yang percuma itu
Ya lima kali sepuluh euro
Itulah sebabnya 10 euro amat bernilai

Apa boleh buat buang percuma
Dengan sepuluh itu saya peroleh dua kartu telepon
Super world master namanya
Satu kartu seharga lima euro

Kubeli dua kartu
Biar bisa telepon lebih lama
Juga daripada datang lagi
Bagus sekali jalan

Kebetulan juga dompet sedang berisi
Sepuluh euro dalam dompet
Itu sudah berisi buatku
Yang dompetnya pas-pasan saja

Apa boleh buat lagi
Kucoba awal januari 2015
Kartunya tidak berfungsi
Pulsanya habis total

Padahal saya belum mencoba sebelumnya
Total pulsa biasanya masih 7 euro
Senilai 518 menit untuk telepon ke hp
Khusus untuk tarif Indonesia

Mungkinkah yang dibeli tahun 2014 akan hangus di tahun 2015?
Apakah dengan berakhirnya bulan berakhir pula pulsa di dalamnya?
Apakah yang berlaku dengan akhir bulan berlaku juga untuk akhir tahun?

Mengharapkan jawaban meski tidak akan ada jawaban yang kudapat
Hanya mereka yang membuatnya yang tahu
Tanya-tanya setelah kecewa dengan kartu super world master

PRM, 5/1/15


1 GENNAIO 2015
di Roberto Laurita
la foto da www.patheos.com

In questo nuovo anno che ci sta davanti
tu non ci abbandonerai, O Dio,
ai nostri smarrimenti e alle nostre stanchezza,
ma continuerai ad offrirci,
come hai fatto con i pastori,
una parola che rischiara la notte
e segni che rallegrano il cuore.

E’ vero: senza la tua parola
noi rischiamo di cedere
alle lusinghe del momento
e di imboccare strade
che non portano alla felicità.

Donaci, dunque, ogni giorno
la tua luce, come lampada
che rischiara i nostri passi
ed orienta le nostre scelte.

Ma non lasciarci mancare
anche i segni della tua presenza,
piccoli e grandi eventi che rivelano
l’azione del tuo Spirito in mezzo a noi,
uomini e donne che, con i loro gesti,
ci invitano a sperare nel mondo nuovo
che Gesù, il tuo Figlio, ha inaugurato.

In questo nuovo anno che ci sta davanti
noi risponderemo ai tuoi doni come ha fatto Maria.
Non permetteremo che la tua parola
e i tuoi segni si perdano
nello scorrere dei giorni,
si smarriscano tra le altre parole,
si confondano con altri segni.
Li custodiremo, dunque, nel nostro cuore
e li richiameremo alla nostra speranza.

*del foglietto per la messa alla Chiesa Santa Cristina-Parma.

28 DICEMBRE 2014
di Roberto Laurita

la foto da vitacatholic.com
Quei due anziani, Simone ed Anna,
sono il simbolo del tuo popolo, Gesù,
che nel tempio, la casa del Padre tuo,
ti riconoscono come l’Atteso,
l’inviato di Dio, il suo Messia.
Nei loro gesti, nelle loro parole
Si esprime la stessa fiducia di Abramo
Che non ha dubitato mai
Delle promesse ricevute.
E la loro gioia fa eco
Alla gioia di tutti coloro che nei secoli
Costituiscono il popolo dei credenti.

E’ vero: vi sono uomini e donne
Che vogliono ignorare
La tua offerta di amore
E vivono come se tu non fossi
L’unico che può strapparci
Al potere del peccato e del male.
Ma in ogni tempo non sono mancati
Anche uomini e donne che hanno accolto
La tua offerta di salvezza
E si sono lasciati trasformare
Dalla tua bontà e dalla tua misericordia.

Così sono entrati in un disegno
Che li supera da ogni parte
E hanno vissuto l’avventura
Di chi si lascia guidare dallo Spirito.
Assieme a loro anche noi
Cantiamo la nostra gratitudine
E facciamo fiorire sulle nostre labbra
Il canto di una lode senza fine.

Sì, benedetto sei tu,
venuto a legarti con l’umanità
in un’alleanza eterna.

*del foglietto per la messa alla Chiesa Santa Cristina-Parma.

gambar dai google, airbus.com
Air Asia Indonesia
Nama yang tenar
Karena diberitakan media massa
Karena maskapi itu sedang berduka
Di mata internasional lain lagi
Air Asia dari Malaysia
Memang aslinya dari negeri jiran
Tapi beroperasi di Indonesia
Dan Air Asia Indonesialah yang sedang berduka
Indonesia yang berduka
Bukan Malaysia sebagai negeri asalnya
Meski dunia internasional melihatnya sebatas Malaysia
Air Asia Indonesia jatuh
Sebelumnya dua pesawat dari Malaysia juga jatuh
Inilah yang ketiga
Komentar mereka
Benar sekali, tidak salah
Tapi kali ini lain
Bukan Malaysia lagi yang korban
Nama malaysia hanya dikutip
Indonesialah yang berduka
Mayoritas penumpangnya dari Indonesia
Berangkatnya juga dari Surabaya-Indonesia
Jatuhnya juga di wilayah Indonesia
Air Asia memang dari Malaysia
Tapi maskapi ini beroperasi juga di Indonesia
Dan Air Asia Indonesia-lah yang sedang berduka
Air Asia sebagai maskapi tentu saja ikut berduka
Salam ikut berduka
PRM, 4/1/15

ilustrasi dari google
Rakyat Jakarta sudah bersatu dalam pesta festival malam tahun baru. Mereka bersatu karena pesta rakyat. Meski dalam suasana lain mereka bercerai. Lihat saja kasus kriminal masih meraja lela di sana. 

Banyak yang mengkritik kebijakan Gubernur DKI dalam menggelar pesta ini. Danayang dikeluarkan tentu saja besar. Bahkan ada yang menilai buang-buang duit saja. Di satu sisi memang seperti itu. Tetapi apakah tidak ada sisi lainnya?

Gubernur Jokowi mengatakan bahwa festival ini merupakan keinginan rakyat. Rakyatlah yang meminta. Biasanya rakyat membuat pesta di kafe dan mol. Ini tentu saja dinikmati oleh sebagian warga. Yang kelas menengah dan atas. Sementara pesta rakyat tahun ini dinikmati oleh semua kalangan warga.

Maka, di satu sisi pesta ini mengikutsertakan semua lapisan warga. Soal dana yang dikeluarkan tidak bisa dipungkiri. Besar. Tetapi dana itu tidak disia-siakan. Coba hitung berapa besar dampaknya pesta ini bagi kebersamaan warga?

Warga bersatu. Tanpa sekat. Warga merasa dekat satu sama lain. Bisa saling sapa. Saling kenal. Kalau sudah kenal saling jaga, saling bangun Jakarta, salingmenghormati. Tanpa jarak. Yang miskin dekat dan disapa oleh yang kaya. Demikian sebaliknya.

Sisi ekonomi tentu saja biayanya besar. Tetapi sisi sosial dampaknya juga besar. Paling tidak Jokowi sudah mulai merintis persatuan warga Jakarta. Sisi lain yang masih mengalami kekurangan tentu saja diterima dan semoga menjadi bahan pelajaran untuk penyelenggara selanjutnya.

PA, 2/1/13

Pohon Natal di kota Bologna, Italy (dok. pribadi) 
Natal di Italia tahun 2014
Italia, negeri berjulukan mayoritas Katolik
Meski kenyataannya mayoritas tidak peduli dengan agama
Julukan dan kenyataan memang mesti dipisahkan

Aku datang dari negeri Timur
Negeri berjulukan mayoritas Muslim
Ya, negeri berpenduduk muslim terbesar di dunia
Maklum, jumlah penduduknya besar

Kulihat Italia hari-hari ini
Alun-alun kota dihiasi lampu jalan berbentuk bintang dan malaikat
Juga berbentuk bunga-bunga
Tak ketinggalan pohon Natal

Di Roma, ibu kota Italia
Pohon Natal dari Cagliari, Italia bagian Selatan megah berdiri
Di dekat ikon kota Roma
Yang juga disebut negara Vatikan, dengan basilika Santo Petrus-nya

Natal memang menjadi pesta besar dan ramai
Bukan saja dari segi spiritual dan religius
Tapi uga dari segi komersial
Dan juga perjalanan

Dari segi spiritual sudah jelas,
banyak orang kembali ke kampung halaman,
untuk bertemu keluarga, merayakan misa bersama,
berkumpul bersama keluarga

Dari segi komersial juga kiranya bisa dilihat
Di TV dan Koran selalu disiarkan berapa jumlah belajanja masyarakat di hari-hari ini
Berapa jumlah paket Natal yang laku dijual
Berapa jumlah atribut hiasan Natal yang dibeli

Dari segi libur atau perjalanan juga dikupas
Berapa jumlah warga Italia yang bepergian keluar kota atau keluar negeri
Ditemukan jumlahnya berkurang
Karena alasan keuangan atau ekonomi
Juga alasan cuaca atau iklim yang tidak menentu

Dari segi seni sudah jelas
Gereja dihias dengan kandang Natal beragam corak
Dari anak-anak yang merancangnya hingga kelompok pemuda dan juga kaum tua
Bahu membahu menyukseskan tradisi kandang Natal yang diperkenalkan Santo Fransiskus dari Asisi

Di negeriku bagaimana?
Negeriku sedang sibuk mempersoalkan boleh atau tidaknya mengucapkan Selamat Natal
Boleh atau tidaknya merayakan perayaan Natal di berbagai tempat yang tidak jelas ujung akhir permasalahannya
Sedang mempermasalahkan juga adanya atribut Natal di toko, di kantor pemerintah

Negeriku memang beda
Suasananya beda, antara mayoritas Muslim dan mayoritas Katolik,
Kalau dibandingkan Italia dan Indonesia
Masing-masing punya keunikan yang harus dihargai

Di Italia, hal-hal seperti mengucapkan Selamat Natal memang tidak dipersoalkan
Karena sudah jelas itu jadi hak asasi setiap manusia
Hak untuk mengungkapkan pendapat
Teman-teman Muslim di Italia mengucapkan Selamat Natal untuk umat Kristiani

Di negeriku, belum sejauh ini
Negeriku masih bergulat apakah hak untuk mengekspresikan ucapan selamat seperti itu boleh dipenuhi atau tidak
Banyak yang mengaku tidak boleh dengan mendasarkan pada ajaran tertentu
Yang lain bilang boleh-boleh saja

Tafsirannya masih banyak
Hal seperti ini harus dihargai
Tidak mengucapkan juga tidak apa-apa
Toh sudah jelas itu termasuk hak untuk mengekspresikan

Kubersyukur di negeriku, kami mayoritas diberi kesempatan untuk merayakan misa Natal
Ini sebuah kelegaan dibanding saudari-saudara kami di beberapa negara yang masih berkonflik yang belum bebas merayakan perayaan Natal seperti ini
Kelegaan ini kiranya juga dirasakan orang Kristiani di Kuba

Dalam hal tidak adanya kebebasan seperti ini
Umat Kristiani mestinya tetap bahagia
Karena Dia datang memberi kelegaan pada manusia
Paus Fransiskus dalam suratnya kemarin kepada umat Kristiani di Timur Tengah menyerukan semangat perjuangan

Sulit memang menampakkan kebahagiaan di tengah situasi tidak bebas
Biarlah Dia yang membebaskan umat Kristiani
Salama Natal dari negeri seberang

PRM, 24 Desember 2014


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