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Angelus: the Cross restores hope

Vatican City, 14 September 2014 (VIS) – At midday today, after celebrating the marriage of twenty couples from the diocese of Rome, the Pope appeared at the window of his study to pray the Angelus with the faithful present in St. Peter's Square.

Pope Francis commented that today, 14 September, the Church celebrates the festivity of the Exaltation of the Cross. “Any non-Christian might ask, why 'exalt' the Cross? We can answer that we do not exalt just any cross, or all crosses: we exalt Jesus Cross, as it was upon the Cross that he revealed the extent of God's love for humanity”, he explained. “The Father gave his Son to save us, and this involved the death of Jesus, and he died on the Cross. Why? Why was the Cross necessary? Because of the gravity of the evil that had enslaved us. The Cross of Jesus expresses both of these things: all the negative force of evil, and all the gentle omnipotence of God's mercy. The Cross appeared to decree Jesus' demise, but in reality it marked His victory. … And it is precisely for this reason that God 'exalted' Jesus, conferring upon Him a universal kingship”.

“When we turn our gaze to the Cross, where Jesus was nailed”, he continued, “we contemplate the sign of God's infinite love for each one of us, and the root of our salvation. From this Cross there springs the mercy of the Father who embraces the entire world. Through the Cross, the evil one is vanquished and death defeated, we are given life, and hope is restored to us. … The Cross of Jesus is our only true hope! This is why the Chruch exalts the glorious Cross of Jesus, sign of God's immense love, sign of our salvation, and path to the Resurrection. And this is our hope”.

“When we contemplate and celebrate the Holy Cross”, he concluded, “we think with emotion of our many brothers and sisters who are persecuted and killed for their fidelity to Christ. This happens especially where religious freedom is not guaranteed or fully realised. It also occurs, however, in countries and in environments where in principle freedom and human rights are protected, but where in practice believers and Christians in particular often encounter limitations or discrimination. Therefore, today we remember them and pray especially for them”.

© VIS, Vatican Information Service

Pope Francis' general audience: Albania, example of resurgence of the Church

Vatican City, 24 September 2014 (VIS) – Pope Francis devoted today's general audience to recounting last Sunday's trip to Albania. The Holy Father confirmed that it was important to encourage this population on the path to the peaceful co-existence of the different religious components of society. “Indeed, the various religious expressions have in common a path of life and the will to do good to one's neighbour, without denying or diminishing their respective identities”.

Francis recalled his meeting with priests, consecrated persons, seminarians and lay movements, as well as a number of elderly people who had experienced, “in their own flesh, terrible persecutions”. “It is precisely from the intimate union with Jesus, from the relationship of love with Him, that these martyrs, like all martyrs, found the strength to face the painful events that led them to martyrdom … and it is the strength the Church finds in Christ's love. A strength that supports us in moments of difficulty and inspires our apostolic action today, to offer goodness and forgiveness to all, and thereby bearing witness to God's mercy”.

The Pontiff also mentioned the forty priests executed during the communist dictatorship, for whom the cause for beatification is under way. “They take their place among the hundreds of Christians – and Muslims – assassinated, tortured, incarcerated and deported simply because they believed in God. These were dark years, during which religious freedom was razed to the ground and it was forbidden to believe in God; thousands of churches and mosques were destroyed, transformed into warehouses and cinemas for the propagation of Marxist ideology, religious books were burnt, and parents were forbidden from giving their children the religious names of their ancestors. … Their blood was not shed in vain; it was the seed that will bear the fruit of peace and fraternal collaboration. Today Albania offers an example not only of the rebirth of the Church, but also of peaceful co-existence between religions”.

The Pope concluded by thanking the Lord for the trip, “which enabled me to meet a courageous and strong population that has not given way to suffering”. He encouraged the brothers and sisters of Albania to “be brave and good, to build the present and the future of their country and of Europe … and may the Virgin continue to guide the path of this population of martyrs”.

© VIS, Vatican Information Service

GENERAL AUDIENCE: The Church, universal and missionary, cannot be wrapped up in herself

Vatican City, 17 September 2014 (VIS) – The meaning of the terms “Catholic” and “apostolic” when we speak about the Church was the theme of Pope Francis' catechesis at this morning's Wednesday general audience in St. Peter's Square, attended by 50,000 faithful.

When we profess the Creed, we state that we believe in a Catholic and apostolic Church. “Catholic means universal”, said the Holy Father, “and a clear sign of this Catholicity is that she speaks all languages. This is none other than the effect of the Pentecost: indeed, it was the Holy Spirit that enabled the Apostles and the entire Church to communicate to all, to the very ends of the earth, the Good News of salvation and of God's love. Thus, the Church was born Catholic – that is, 'symphonic' since the beginning, and she cannot be otherwise, destined as she is for evangelisation and for encountering everyone”: The Pope, remarking that everyone is able to read the Word of God in his or her own language, again encouraged those present always to carry a copy of the Gospel and to read one or two passages each day.

“If the Church is born Catholic, it means that she was born to go forth, missionary”, continued Pope Francis. “If the Apostles had stayed in the Cenacle without going out to preach the Gospel, the Church would have remained there, in that city, in that country, in that room. It is what we express when we describe her as 'apostolic'. But they went forth. An apostle spreads the good news of Jesus' resurrection. This term reminds us that the Church, on the foundations of the Apostles and in continuity with them, is sent to proclaim the Gospel to all humanity, with the signs of the tenderness and strength of God. The Apostles went forth, they travelled the world, they founded new churches, they consecrated new bishops and in this way, we continue their work”.

“And this too derives from the Pentecost. Indeed, the Holy Spirit is able to overcome any resistance, to defeat the temptation to remain wrapped up in ourselves, an elect few, and to consider ourselves as the only ones destined to receive God's blessing. Imagine if a group of Christians were to consider itself in this way; they would die out. First in soul and then in body, as they would not be able to generate new life. They would not be apostolic. The Holy Spirit leads us towards our brothers, even to those who are far away in every sense, so that they can share with us the gift of love, peace and joy that the Risen Lord has left us”.

“What does it mean, for our communities and for each of us, to be part of a Church that is Catholic and apostolic? First of all, it means taking to heart the salvation of all humanity, not to be indifferent or removed from the fate of so many of our brothers, but rather to be open and in solidarity with them. It also means having a sense of the fullness, the completeness, the harmony of Christian life, always rejecting partial and unilateral positions that close us up in ourselves”.

Being part of the apostolic Church means “being aware that our faith is anchored in the proclamation and the witness of Jesus' Apostles, and therefore always being aware that were are sent out, in communion with the successors of the Apostles, with our hearts full of joy, to proclaim Christ and His love for all humanity”.

Pope Francis recalled the “heroic life” of all the missionaries who leave their homelands to take the Gospel to others, encouraging those present to give thanks to God for the missionaries the Church has had and will continue to need.

“Let us ask the Lord to renew in us the gift of His Spirit, so that every Christian community and baptised person may be an expression of the Catholic and apostolic Holy Mother Church”.

© VIS, Vatican Information Service

In questa edizione vorrei condividere gli ispirazione da lunedì, 8 settembre fino domenica 14 settembre 2014. L'ispirazionedioggi edizione 18 fino 24.

Possiamo imparare da Maria che ha risposto di SI alla volontà di Dio. Anche noi possiamo essere il medio di rendere concreto la volontà di Dio in mezzo il mondo moderno. Buona giornata.

Gesù prega sul monte poi sceglie i suoi dodici discepoli. Possiamo dire una preghiera prima di iniziare le nostre attività. Buona giornata a tutti.

Gesù daci una lezione di vita cioè con due parole. La benedizione (beato) e la minaccia (guai). Con queste parole, Lui ci invita a dare attenzione (la benedizione) agli altri. Se no, riceveremo la minaccia (i guai). Buona giornata.

Possiamo fare, anche se sia difficile, amate i nostri amici e facciamo il bene. Buona giornata.

Tutti noi siamo peccatori. Possiamo correggere insieme, e nessuno può giustificare gli altri. Inizieremo a correggere noi stessi. Buona giornata.

Ogni albero si riconosce dal suo frutto. Ci conosceremo chi siamo noi attraverso i nostri atteggiamenti. Dio ci invita di adattare le nostre parole e le nostre opere. Buona giornata.

Chi crede in Lui non vada perduto, ma abbia la vita eterna. Questa frase è molto forte. Quanto è forte anche nella celebrazione di oggi, L’ESALTAZIONE DELLA SANTA CROCE. Qualche volta noi evitiamo la fede perché abbiamo paura alla croce. La croce che apparire nella vita del martirio come ci abbiamo visto nell’ucciso delle tre suore Saveriane (Olga Raschietti, Lucia Pulici, Bernadetta Boggian) in Burundi domenica scorsa. Preghiamo affinché abbiamo la vera fede e crede in Dio che ci ha sacrificato nella croce. Buona domenica.


Vatican City, 10 September 2014 (VIS) – A special aspect of the “maternity” of the Church is education through mercy, and this was the subject of the Holy Father's catechesis during this Wednesday's general audience in St. Peter's Square.

Like a good mother and educator, the Church focuses on the essential, and the essential, according to the Gospel, is mercy, as Jesus clearly tells his disciples: “Be merciful, just as your father is”. “Is it possible for a Christian not to be merciful?” asked Pope Francis. “No. The Christian must necessarily be merciful, because this is at the centre of the Gospel. And so the Church behaves like Jesus. She does not give theoretical lessons on love or on mercy. She does not spread throughout the world a philosophy or a path to wisdom. Certainly, Christianity is all of this too”, the Pope remarked, “but as a consequence, a reflection. The mother Church, like Jesus, teaches by example, and words serve to cast light on the meaning of her gestures”.

Therefore, “the Mother Church teaches us to give food and drink to those who hunger and thirst, and to clothe those who are naked. And how does she do this? She does it through the example of many saints who have done it in an exemplary fashion, but she also does it through the example of many fathers and mothers, who teach their children that what we have left over is for those who are in need of basic necessities. In the most humble Christian families, the rule of hospitality is always sacred: there is always a dish of food and a place to sleep for those in need”. And to those who say they have nothing to spare, Francis gave the example of a family in his former diocese who shared half of what they had to eat with a poor man who knocked at their door. “Learning to share what we have is important”.

The mother Church teaches us to be close to those who are sick. Like the saints who have served Jesus in this way, there are many people who practise this work of mercy every day in hospitals, rest homes, or in their own homes, providing assistance for the sick.

The mother Church also teaches us to be close to those who are imprisoned. “'But Father', some will say, 'This is dangerous. These are bad people'. Listen carefully: any one of us is capable of doing what these men and women in prison have done. We all sin and make mistakes in life. They are not worse than you or me. Mercy overcomes any wall or barrier, and leads us always to seek the face of the human being. And it is mercy that changes hearts and lives, that is able to regenerate a person or enable him to be newly reintegrated in society”.

“The mother Church teaches us to be close to those who have been abandoned and who die lonely. This is what Mother Teresa did in the streets of Calcutta and it is what many Christians, those who are not afraid to take the hand of those who are about to leave this world, have done and continue to do. And here too, mercy offers peace to those who depart and to those who remain, making us aware that God is greater than death, and that by staying with Him, even the final separation is only 'until we meet again'”.

“The Church is a mother”, he continued, “teaching her children the works of mercy. She has learned this path from Jesus; she has learned that this is essential for salvation. It is not enough to love those who love us. It is not enough to do good to those who do good to us in return. To change the world for the better is it necessary to do good to those who are not able to do the same for us, as our Father did for us, in giving us Jesus. How much have we paid for our redemption? Nothing. It was all free. Doing good without expecting anything in return – this is what our Father did for us and what we too must do”. For this reason, he concluded, “let us give thanks to the Lord, who has given us the grace of having the Church as a mother who teaches us the way of mercy, the way of life”.

© VIS, Vatican Infromation Service


Vatican City, 3 September 2014 (VIS) – “We do not become Christians by ourselves, of our own will, autonomously, but rather we are generated and grow in faith within the great body of the Church”, said Pope Francis during this morning's general audience. “The Church is truly a mother, a mother who gives life in Christ and who enables us to live with all our brethren in the communion of the Holy Spirit”.

The Holy Father explained that the Church has a model for this maternity in the Virgin Mary. “The maternity of the Church is in continuity with that of Mary. … The Church, in the fruitfulness of the Spirit, continues to generate new sons and daughters in Christ. .. The birth of Jesus from Mary's womb is indeed the prelude to the rebirth of every Christian and He is the first-born of a multitude of brothers. Therefore, we are able to understand the depth of the relationship between Mary and the Church; when we look to Mary, we see the most beautiful and most tender face of the Church; when we look to the Church, we recognise the sublime features of Mary. We Christians are not orphans”.

He remarked that the Church is our mother as she gave birth to us in our Baptism, and, “since that day, like an affectionate mother, brings us up in faith and shows us, through the strength of God's Word, the path of salvation, defending us from evil”. The maternity of the Church is particularly evident in the service of evangelisation, in which she is “committed, like a mother, to offering her sons the spiritual nourishment that nurtures them and renders Christian life fruitful. The path of salvation, by which the Church guides us and accompanies us with the strength of the Gospel and the support of the Sacraments, gives us the capacity to defend ourselves against evil, like a courageous mother who protects her children from danger.

The Pope warned that, although God has defeated Satan, he always returns with his temptations. “We must not be ingenuous”, he said, “but must instead remain vigilant and firm in our faith, with the counsel and the help of the mother Church who ... accompanies her children in difficult moments”. Similarly, Francis encouraged those present to remember that we, all baptised persons, are the Church, and must not be afraid to bear witness to this maternity. “Let us entrust ourselves to Mary”, he concluded, “so that she may teach us to have the same maternal spirit towards our brethren, with a sincere capacity to accept, forgive, give strength and infuse trust and hope”.

© VIS, Vatican Infromation Service

foto ilustrasi oleh maquillage
Tahun baru belum tiba tetapi huru-hara sudah mulai. Tahun ini belum berakhir tetapi pembicaraan sudah menyangkut tahun baru. 

Banyak ucapan selamat tahun baru. Tetapi sangat sedikit yang mengucapkan selamat akhir tahun. Apakah ini pertanda manusia mau lompat?

Pagi ini saya menelepon seorang sahabat. Di akhir pembicaraan dia mengucapkan, Selamat Akhir Tahun Ya….. Saya kagum mendengar ucapan itu. Saya diam sejenak sebelum mengucapkan terima kasih dan sampai jumpa.

Tahun ini belum berakhir, jangan buru-buru memasuki tahun baru. Alam sudah mengatur perubahannya. Kita menunggu saja. Tahun baru itu akan datang.

Oleh karena itu, jangan menyebut Selamat Tahun Baru. Sebutlah dan ucaplah Selamat Akhir Tahun. Sebab, tahun ini belum berakhir dan tahun baru belum datang. Besok atau minimal jam 00.01 nanti malam ucapan Selamat Tahun Baru boleh dikumandangkan.

Selamat Akhir Tahun…

PA, 31/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 31/12/12

foto ilustrasi oleh Pojok Buku
Kompasiana menggoda. Kompasiana meninabobokan. Inilah yang terjadi di blog keroyokan ini.

Saya membaca satu tulisan lalu komentar. Setelahnya membaca satu lagi lalu komentar. Begitu terus sampai membaca 10 artikel. Ketagihan. Berlanjut. Tak terasa sudah 2 jam di depan kompasiana.

Padahal hanya membaca dan berkomentar. Memang dapat pengetahuan dan informasi baru. Tetapi dua jam sekali duduk.

Yah…gara-gara kompasiana.

PA, 31/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 31/12/12

foto ilustrasi oleh gandhi pipit
Tahun baru. Sebentar lagi akan tiba. Ada kerinduan untuk mencapai tahun itu. Setiap orang mempunyai kerinduan yang sama. 

Hari ini tahun lama akan berakhir. Nanti malam. Tepat pukul 00.00 menjadi akhir dari tahun kiamat yang diramalkan. Begitu lewat 01 detik, kita masuk tahun baru.

Tak ada yang luar biasa. Setiap tahun seperti itu. Alam berputar sesuai hukumnya. Lihat saja pergantian siang dan malam. Terjadi dengan sendirinya. Demikian juga dengan pergantian jam yang ditentukan oleh manusia. Paling jelas adalah pergantian hari dan malam. Itu hukum alam. Pergantian tahun merupakan pergantian yang dibuat manusia. Maksudnya, ukuran setahun itu dibuat manusia.

Hari-hari ini di mana-mana ada atraksi menyambut tahun baru. Ada pesta kembang api, pesta dengan sang kekasih, pesta keluarga, pesta rakyat, pesta komunitas, dan sebagainya. Ada banyak pesta keagamaan. Untuk apa semuanya ini? Tanpa pesta pun tahun itu otomatis akan berakhir. Memang pergantian waktu tidak terkait dengan pesta itu.

Tetapi manusia tetap membuat pesta. Manusia kan suka pesta. Lebih dari sekadar hiburan, pesta itu juga merupakan ungkapan syukur. Syukur atas tahun lama yang akan berakhir. Apa pun bentuknya pesta yang akan diadakan hari dan malam ini menjadi ungkapan syukur. Hiburan juga bisa dikaitkan dengan syukur. Syukur yang diungkapkan, diekspresikan.

Selamat akhir tahun………

PA, 31/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 31/12/12

foto ilustrasi oleh Anto Mantor Van Bond
Tak semua pembaca meninggalkan jejak pada tulisan. Ada yang membaca lalu pergi. Ada yang meninggalkan jejak berupa komentar. Ada pula yang memberi penilaian sesuai kategori yang ada. 

Simak tanpa kata. Itulah yang terjadi jika tanpa jejak komentar. Tetapi bukan berarti mereka tidak memerhatikan tulisan kita. Mereka mungkin tidak memerlukan kata untuk berkomentar. Mereka hanya memberi penilaian. Atau juga mereka hanya kagum sampai-sampai tak bisa berkata-kata lagi. Atau juga mereka buru-buru sehingga mereka hanya memberi penilaian.

Menilai juga mewakili perasaan dan pikiran. Menilai menarik menyangkut perasaan, menilai inspiratif berkaitan dengan pikiran. Demikian juga dengan penilaian lainnya.

PA, 30/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 30/12/12

foto ilustrasi oleh Lucy (Ijucsu)
Tahukah Anda malam paling huru -hara sepanjang tahun? 

Sebentar lagi pergantian tanun. Dua hari lagi. Lusa malam adalah malam tahun baru. Malam paling repot adalah menjelang pergantian tahun.

Lihat saja persiapan di beberapa kota. Ada yang mengerahkan sejumlah personel polisi untuk mengamankan malam pergantian tahun. Ada yang membuat atraksi menjelang detik-detik pergantian tahun. Ada pula yang mengalihkan jalur kendaraan di jalan-jalan tertentu. Ada yang menggelar doa bersama. Dan sebagainya.

Yang jelas pada malam itu banyak warga turun ke jalan. Jalan pun jadi macet. Kendaraan berkonvoi. Manusia bak lautan. Tak ada lagi ruang kosong yang tersisa.

Beginilah malam pergantian tahun. 2012 akan berakhir dan 2012 akan tiba. Huru-haranya pada saat pergantian keduanya. Semoga tidak ada korban kecelakaan pada acara konvoi besar-besaran. Sebab, peluang untuk jadi korban amat besar. Siapa peduli jika muncul kerumunan orang? Yang ada hanya menyelamatkan diri sendiri. Nah, kalau tidak bisa selamat, mau tak mau siap menerima risiko. Entah diinjak atau didorong. Beginilah suasa kerumunan manusia di malam pergantian tahun.

PA, 29/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 29/12/12

foto ilustrasi oleh Yudha P Sunandar
Engkau menyapaku pagi ini
Selamat pagi…
Engkau mungkin tidak sadar mengucapkan itu
Memang setiap pagi engkau mengucapkannya 

Aku tahu kamu buru-buru
Melayani pelanggan lainnya
Tetapi bahasa tubuhmu sudah terpaku
Kepala menunduk pertanda hormat
Sekaligus mengucap selamat pagi

Kamu membuang koran itu di halaman rumah
Kamu memberi langsung kepada pelanggan yang kebetulan bertemu denganmu
Di situ ada dialog kamu dengan dia
Kalian berkenalan

Sering berkenalan
Hingga ada komunikasi akrab
Demikianlah pepatah berujar ala bisa karena biasa
Engkau melayani sejak pagi-pagi buta

Orang bilang ini gampang saja tinggal mengantar
Padahal di balik kesibukan pagimu itu
Ada keindahan yang tiada tara

Engkau menghirup udara pagi yang bersih dan segar
Engkau menyaksikan rakyat menyapu halaman rumah mereka
Engkau melihat bapak, ibu, kakek, nenek, muda, mudi berlari pagi hari

Inilah indahnya harmonisasi kehidupan
Terima kasih tuk tukang koran
Pembawa berita
Pembawa inspirasi


PA, 29/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 29/12/12

foto ilustrasi oleh Junaid Butt
Makan, makan, dan makan.
Itulah kegiatan mereka.
Setiap hari, setiap sore, setiap malam
Mereka datang, duduk, ngobrol, pesan makanan, makan, ngobrol lagi, pulang.
Besok datang lagi dan melakukan hal yang sama.

Berapa pasang meja-kursi telah mereka duduki.
Berapa posisi telah mereka buat.
Berapa porsi telah mereka habiskan.
Berapa jenis menu telah mereka rasakan.
Berapa lama lagi mereka datang lagi.

Mereka itu kerjaannya makan.
Ngobrol pun sambil makan.
Internetan pun sambil makan.
Telepon pun sambil makan.
Sms-an pun sambil makan.

Merencanakan liburan pun sambil makan.
Bercinta pun sambil makan.
Ya mereka bercinta.
Berbicara tentang cinta.
Membuat suasana romantis.

Saling mencintai.
Cinta monyet.
Sambil makan.
Makan, makan, dan makan.

Makan menjadi pengikat, pemersatu, penguat.
Mereka berkumpul untuk makan.
Mereka makan sambil membicarakan hal-hal penting.
Mereka makan sambil berbagi.

PA, 28/12/2012

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 28/12/12


Immagine from google images 
Vatican City, 7 September 2014 (VIS) – Fraternal correction, as it is presented by St. Matthew in this Sunday's Gospel reading, was the theme of the Pope's reflection during today's Angelus, at midday. “Jesus teaches us that if my Christian brother wrongs me or offends me, I must be charitable towards him and, first of all, speak to him personally, explaining that what he has said or done is not good. And what if my brother does not listen to me? Jesus suggests a way of intervening gradually: first, to speak to him again with another two or three people, so that he is more aware of the mistake he has made. If, in spite of this, he does not accept this exhortation, it is necessary to tell the community, and if he does not even listen to the community, then we have to let him know of the fracture and detachment that he himself has caused, by failing in communion with his brothers and sisters in the faith”. 

“The steps in this itinerary show the strength that the Lord asks of the community to support those who err, so that they are not lost. Above all it is necessary to avoid the clamour of news and gossip in the community. The attitude must be that of gentleness, prudence, humility and care in relation to those who have erred, avoiding words that may harm or kill our brother. Because even words can kill! When I gossip or when I unjustly criticise, when I curse a brother with my tongue, this means destroying the reputation of the other person. … At the same time, this discretion in speaking to him alone has the aim of not pointlessly mortifying the sinner. … In view of this need, we can understand the following series of interventions, which include the involvement of other witnesses and finally even the community. The aim is to help the person to understand what they have done, and to be aware that they have thereby offended not just one person, but everyone. But it also helps us to rid ourselves of anger and resentment … that bitterness of the heart that leads to anger and resentment leads us to insult and offend. It is very unpleasant to see insults and aggression from a Christian. … To insult is not Christian”.

“In reality”, he continued, “before the Lord we are all sinners and all in need of forgiveness. All of us. Indeed, Jesus told us not to judge. Fraternal correction is an aspect of the love and the communion that should reign in the Christian community; it is a mutual service that we can and must render to each other … and it is possible and effective only if each person recognises himself as a sinner and in need of the Lord's forgiveness. The same awareness that enables me to recognise the errors of the other, first of all reminds me that I myself have made, and make mistakes, many times”.

“Therefore, at the beginning of Mass, we are invited each time to acknowledge ourselves as sinners before the Lord, expressing with words and gestures the sincere repentance of the heart”, he concluded. “And Jesus Himself invites all of us, saints and sinners, to his table, bringing us together at the various crossroads in in the different situations of our lives. And among the conditions that unite all the participants in the Eucharistic celebration, two are fundamental: we are all sinners, and God offers His mercy to us all”.

©VIS, Vatican Information Service

In questa edizione vorrei condividere gli ispirazione da lunedì, 1 settembre fino domenica 7 settembre 2014. L'ispirazionedioggi edizione 11 fino 17.

È difficile accettare il concetto che Gesù venga a noi a liberare i ciechi. Abbiamo il dubbio sull’identità di Gesù. Chiediamo lo Spirito di Dio affinché il nostro cuore apra alla proclamazione di Gesù. Ricordiamo anche le intenzioni affidate dal Santo Padre all'apostolato della preghiera per il mese di settembre 2014:
Generale: "Perché i disabili mentali ricevano l'amore e l'aiuto di cui hanno bisogno per una vita dignitosa".
Missionaria: "Perché i cristiani, ispirati dalla Parola di Dio, si impegnino nel servizio ai poveri e ai sofferenti".
Buona giornata. Buona giornata.

Gesù viene a liberare l’uomo dalla schiavitù. Liberare anche a noi che abbiamo molto peccato in pensieri, parole e opere. Buona giornata. Ricordiamo anche l’intenzione della preghiera di Papa Francesco in questo mese:

Gesù viene ad annunciare la buona notizia del regno di Dio attraversa l’attività che ha fatto cioè liberare la gente degli’ammalati. Buona giornata.

Pietro ha la consapevolezza che lui stesso è un peccatore. Dio chiama Pietro per seguirgli. Anche se noi siamo peccatori, Dio ci invita a seguirgli. Ringraziamo al Signore per il dono che ci dà. Preghiamo anche affinché i giovani possano rispondere questa chiamata di Dio. Buona giornata.

Gesù viene a portare la novità. Gesù porta il cambiamento di mentale. È importante il cambiamento. Altrimenti siamo sempre nella mentalità vecchia. Gesù è come il vino nuovo che deve mettere in otre nuovo. Buona giornata.

La legge è la strada o la media per arrivare alla destinazione. La legge non è la destinazione finale. Oggi, Dio ci invita ad andare verso la legge ma non è fino a legge o ferma alla legge. La legge è solo la strada. Buona giornata.

Dare ammonimento agli altri è un segno della fraternità. Noi viviamo insieme e nessuno vive da solo. Qualche volta abbiamo bisogno come un ammonimento o un consiglio dagli altri. Gesù viene a trovarci, anche se noi siamo in un gruppo di tre o quattro persone. Buona domenica.

I am with them

I am always with them. Like the love between a young woman and a young man, Jesus loves us. In the gospel today, we read and listen that He is always with us. Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them

I remembered the meeting last night. May be it is not the meeting, but the praying. We meet to pray. We come from the some churches like the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Adventist Church, and the Methodist Church. We made the meeting and then we pray the ecumenical praying.

I think we have made like the Jesus said. We meet in his name and did the praying in his name. So, He is with us in this praying and in this meeting. Jesus is always with us because He loves us. He gives us that come from the some churches the some love.

Today, I went to the Church of Sacra Stimmate in Parma city. I don’t go to the St Christina Church because I want to see how the Eucharist in another church. When we start the academic year in this diocese, we always go to the same church. I will always go to the St Christina Church. Today is the special day for me because I can participate in the mass in another church.

I love my parish, but I want to see the other parishes. The love that Jesus gives is everywhere. There is love in my parish and also in other parishes. I pray in his name so that He is always with me, with us that participate in the mass. LET US PRAY IN HIS NAME.


foto oleh Taufan Rotorasiko  
Presiden SBY meminta menterinya bekerja maksimal dalam 2 tahun massa pemerintahan yang tersisa.

Dua tahun bukan waktu yang singkat. Artinya jika dimanfaatkan dengan baik, dalam waktu itu bisa dihasilkan kinerja yang bagus. Asal saja para menteri berkomitmen untuk bekerja.

Tentang bekerja, jadi ingat slogan Pak Dahlan Iskan. Konon, tahun 2012 dia jadikan sebagai tahun kerja. Di koran Jawa Pos halaman depan selalu ada slogan itu. Kerja, kerja, dan kerja! Nah, sekarang tahun 2012 ini akan berakhir. Slogan apa lagi yang muncul di tahun berikutnya?

Jika SBY meminta menterinya untuk bekerja maksimal dalam 2 tahun ke depan, Pak Dahlan sudah melakukannya. Pak Dahlan mendahului Pak SBY. Boleh juga demikian. Berarti para menteri yang lain juga demikian. Lalu, selama ini para menteri tidak bekerja? Mereka bekerja juga hanya mungkin tidak maksimal.

Kata-kata Pak SBY sebenarnya mau mengingatkan para menteri bahwa waktu bekerja dalam kabinet tinggal 2 tahun lagi. Manfaatkan waktu ini dengan baik. Jangan sia-siakan. Rakyat berharap kepada kalian semua.

Anjuran ini bukan hanya untuk para pembantu presiden. Anjuran itu ditujukan juga kepada Pak SBY. Sebab, mereka bekerja dalam “tim” kabinet Indonesia Bersatu II. Jadi, baik Pak SBY maupun menterinya diharapkan bekerja maksimal dalam 2 tahun terakhir. Juga untuk semua yang melayani rakyat banyak.

Selamat bekerja dia khir tahun……

PA, 28/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 28/12/12

foto oleh vj_hacker-boy
Tahun ini kartu ucapan Natal masih banyak. Pengirimnya adalah sahabat dan keluarga serta beberapa kenalan. Juga dari kantor/lembaga tertentu seperti bank, dan sebagainya.

Macam-macam jenis kartu dikirim. Ada yang sudah jadi. Ada yang ditulis tangan. Ada gambar yang dilukis. Ada yang difoto. Ada yang dihiasi lipatan dan guntingan kertas. Ada yang dirancang dengan program khusus di komputer.

Macam-macam. Sesuai kreativitas. Biasanya kartu tertentu yang sudah baku, dibeli di toko. Ini biasanya dikirim oleh mereka yang kesibukannya tinggi. Tak sempat membuat kartu yang kreatif.

Sedangkan kartu yang dirancang khusus dikirim dari mereka yang punya daya kreatif. Sebab, ini membutuhkan waktu khusus untuk menyiapkannya.

Demikian juga dengan kartu yang dibubuhi tanda tangan dan nama. Di sini daya kreativitas diasah. Memang kartu natal yang sederhana itu menjadi tanda untuk menguji kreativitasan seseorang.

Jika setiap tahun ada rancangan kartu Natal yang berbeda maka dalam beberapa tahun sisi kreativitas itu berkembang. Sepuluh tahun merancang kartu yang berbeda maka kita sudah emnciptakan sepuluh jenis kartu ucapan Natal.

Di balik kesederhanaan kelahiran Kristus dan kesederhanaan kartu ucapan Natal ada nilai kreativitas yang tinggi. Jadi tidak sia-sia kirim kartu Natal kepada sahabat, kenalan, dan keluarga.

PA, 25/12/12

*Pernah dimuat di blog kompasiana pada 26/12/12
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