Halloween party ideas 2015
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PHOTO, drug-addiction-help
These days, I have a special hope that is the hope ofour parish priest. I hope he is cured of his illness. He has been sick for a few weeks ago. A week ago, I met him. He told me that he is fine. Therefore, I did not think that he is sick. I always think of the good on him. But, a few days ago, I heard someone say that he is ill. I have not called him yet, but I hope it will heal.

I am sure that God will give him into the recovery. He need it now. Although not in these days, but one day will be healed. The recovery comes in the justtime. Maybe not now, but the day will come next. Let him, pass this pain, and then will have the good health. I believe that through this illness, this situation, God gives us a good lesson. That everything has his moment. Important that we have the hope of waiting for this moment. Once again, we must have this hope. We put everything in him that is our hope. Lets Him to work through the doctors and nurses at the hospital where he  was cured.

Have enjoy in this hope.


PHOTO, slowbuddy.com
I created this blog with the name, Time for The Hope. I hope this blog brings hope for visitors and readers. For me, hope is an important element in life. We must have hope in everything. When you do something, do it in hope. Do that and hope that it will succeed. Without hope, it would not be possible.

Therefore, I invite you all to have the hope in life. The hope are always having a future. Therefore, we do not look at the past, but look at the future. Look at the past only to learn from it. Take a look at the future as we will receive mercy.

Enjoy the reading my blog in the next article. Thanks for your present in this blog. Thank you for your visit.

Unity in Diversity

picture, bibleencyclopedia.com 
I like to remember the motto of the Indonesian state, Unity in Diversity. Indonesia has many languages, many ethnic, many cultures, many islands, and so on, but Indonesia is one. Indonesia has one language make the Indonesian people unity. Today, Jesus teaches us the importance of the unity. The unity with Him. 

He gives us a parabola, like the vine and the branch. The vine is Jesus and we are the branch. I am the true vine, said Jesus, and my Father is the vine grower. He takes away every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and every one that, does he prunes so that it bears more fruit.

In this phrase, we are invited to make the unity with Him. Jesus shows us the unity of He and His Father. And, He invites us to do like that. If we are in unity, we can bear the fruits, we can give the fruits.

Like this parabola, we come from many nations. The majority is Italians, but some of us, come from the other's nation like Indonesia, Equador, Filipin, and some nations from Africa. We are in unity in the one home, that is the church of Saint Cristin. Just with this unity, We can hear the many voices of the Italian children, the African children, the Asian children, and also the voice of my friend, Mara. She teaches us at this Sunday.

This voice is like the branch of the vine. These voices are the branch that the part of the true vine. It is mean, this branch makes the fruits.

Happy Sunday

Parma, 4 May 2015

picture from internet
Today is the first day of May. It is a special day. The memory of Sint Joseph, Mary’s husband. Joseph is the patron of the worker. But, it is not just this.

Today is the first day of May. The May is the month of Mary. The month is dedicated to Mary. So, in this month we pray with her.

In our community, we pray the rosary. We started in this first may to pray the rosary in the Santuary of Conforti. Many people have participated. The fathers of the Mother House’s community, the students of Theology community, the fathers and brothers from the procur community, the Xaverian sisters, and the faithful around of Parma.

Mary, pray for us.


PHOTO, crossexamined.org
I want to write again. I am not an American or an English man. I am Indonesian. So, I can not write like an American write an article in English. I have studied the English language, but I think, it does not mean that I can write very well in English. I always to write very well, but sometimes I cannot do it. Now, I want to write again.

The LOVE SUNDAY is the name I choose to remember me about my experience in every Sunday. I think it is the LOVE that He gives me in every Sunday. So, I choose this name. Like today, I received the love from my friends, my family, my brothers, and sisters. We celebrated the Sunday of Palm. This is the memory of the Jesus’ entering in the Jerusalem. The people are happy to see Jesus enter into their city. But, they are not happy because Jesus is the figure they do not hope. They hope the figure of the king has the power. Jesus does not have the power because He receives the power of his Father.

Jesus is a king, but not like the king of the world. He is the king of God, the kingdom of his Father. This statement is contrary to the people’s opinion. They think there is only one God and the God is not identical with Jesus. In other words, God is not Jesus. Jesus is not God. But, Jesus said that He is the God, the son of God. The people are not like this statement. The end, the people punished Jesus. They make Jesus suffer. Jesus is a man, a human being, like us. So, Jesus, after his suffering, is dead.

We all do not agree with this fact. We maybe have the question, why they crossed Jesus? Why they are jealous of Jesus that is the son of God? Jesus is the God, the son of God, but He comes into the world to liberate the people from the slavery. So, Jesus is a man like us. He lives, suffers, and dead like us. But, in the end, he is resurrected on the third day. We can see this moment, in this week, the holy week. From Thursday of the holy week to the Easter Sunday.

Let God give us the very good moment to entering in this week.
Let God give us the way to reflect a moment these important days.
Let Jesus enter in our heart, to liberate us from our egoism.
Let the others receive the God in this holy week.

Happy Sunday

Parma, March 30, 2015


Jesus is the Master

foto from www.ordinarypastor.com
Jesus is the master, the teacher. He teaches with his heart. He teaches like someone that has much knowledge. Yes, Jesus has many things to teach, knowledge, wise, and so on. Many people like his teaching. Jesus—in this context—is the winner of all teachers. But, Jesus did not seek the popular.

Jesus knows the culture, the habits of the Hebrew, namely go to the synagogue only the Sabbath, Saturday. Jesus goes there and reads the Scripture. Like the others preacher, Jesus reads and interprets the bible. He interprets it in the actual context. Not like the others preacher that interpret literally.

Jesus also teaches with the authority. The authority is the grace of His Father. His Father gives him his grace to tell us how to teach the others. Teaching means give love to the others. Teaching means give heart to the others. I give my heart, my love for my students at Santa Cristina church.

The fathers and the mothers have given this love for us, their children. They know what we need, what we want. They give all the love and understanding. So, Jesus invited us to be the master. The master gives his love, his heart, his understanding for his pupil, his students.

We can be the master of the others. We teach the others. We give our love, our understanding, our heart to the others. Here, the love born.

More than the way of teaching, Jesus teaches us to give the time for God. Pray always. Jesus prays for his Father. Jesus always is in the contact with his Father. This is the praying. Praying is staying with God, hear his voice, speak in silent with Him, and so on. We can define in many definitions, but the point is to stay with Him, stay with God. It’s like abstract but we can do in real context. We pray with our friends after doing one work. We can pray with our friends after sharing our life, sharing our happiness, sharing our sadness.

I thank Jesus today
You give us this grace
You give us your love
You give us your understanding

Lets we walk in your way
Lets we teach with your heart
Lets we share your love
Give us the strength to understand your love

Happy Sunday.

Prm, 2/2/15


Picture from www.carolecgood.com
God needs us to announce his messages. His message is simple, repent and believes in the gospel. Repent like the convert, change from bad to good. But, change in this context is not changing the physic but the change of mentality. It is the internal change. 

This changing likes in the church of Saint Cristina. The change of the student’s presence in the Sunday’s catechism. Last Sunday there were five students, today there were sixteen students. This is the great progress, the change of mentality.

God is happy for this. Yes, God needs us to continue his tasks. God needs us to proclaim his messages. God needs our participation. God asks our conversion. I thank God because He converts our students.

I hope He converts me. I will give my mind, my heart to his touch. God, touch my heart so that it is converted. This is the good news today.

This is sufficient to write so little. It does not need to continue. May God continue in our heart. God needs us, God needs our conversion. My students give me the good lessons today. Thanks to you, all. I love you all. I will, you can proclaim this conversion to others, to your friends in the school, in the neighbor’s home, etc.

Happy Sunday, 25/1/15


God has the initiative to call us. He calls all the people. Sometimes, we need the other to understand his calling. We can hear his voice, but we can not know his identity. We need the other to know his voice. 

Samuel, for example, has heard the voice three times, but he can not know who is calling him. Eli gives him the advice to respond the voice. In other words, Samuel needs Eli to know God, the owner of the voice. The disciples (Andrea and Peter) of John see the master, but they don’t know who the master is. John helps them to know who the master is. It is interested in the Jesus’ responding, COME AND SEE. Knowing Jesus means go and live with Him.

I remember my experience when for the first time go out from my island Flores. I come from Flores to Bali Island with my friend. I am not alone. But, from Bali to Java, I am alone. I asked the information in the young mother. She gives me the information. She said that, don’t be afraid. I was happy listening to it.

I arrived in Yogyakarta because I followed her instruction. She didn’t say COME AND SEE, but she gives me the way of arriving at my direction. She stops at Solo, the city before Yogyakarta. Now, my thanks to her. I remember this experience and I have received her instruction. Her instruction is the great grace for me.

I have done it, COME AND SEE at His home. He stays near us. He looks at the peoples around us. He speaks at our friends, our teacher, our parents, our family. We must go far away until finding His staying.  We must ask the people until we know his voices, his way, his stay, and his instruction.

Now, we pray for the immigrants. Today is the migrants’ world day. I see many immigrants in Italia. I am one of them. I work with them at the parish, in the rural city. I have many friends of the immigrant’s family.



The Lake of Molvenno-Italy
I want to say, happy New Year to the readers. Yes, the first January is passed away, but now, we are yet in the first month of this year. Let me say, Happy New Year to all you at this moment. This is the love of mine for all you in the early of this year.
Yes, the love. It is not the love between the boyfriend and girlfriend, but the love between the father and his son. I am not a racist. We can say also the love between the mother and the female child. Or, in other words, the love between the children’s and their parents. In the Greek language this love called the agape.
We can limit in the first sign that is the love between the Father and the Son.  In this context, we intend the love between Jesus and his Father. Today, we see this love in The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan Lake. We know that the John of Baptist is a sinner. But, Jesus chose him to become the actor of this baptism.
With this event, we are invited to enter into the love of God. The love removes sins. We have the sins. We are the sinners. We have received the baptism so that we have received the love of God. We are the sinners; we are baptized like Jesus in the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. He canceled our sins. Now, we thank God that gives us the occasion to enter into his love.
God, I love you
My parents, I love you
My brothers and sisters, I love you
My teacher, I love you
My formers, I love you all
My friends, I love you

Happy Sunday

I was Thirsty and you gave me Drink

Love Sunday 27. I try to write this column every week. I chose the Sunday for writing. Today is the special day, the last Sunday in the ordinary time. Next week, we will in the advent week. The Catholic Church of Rome uses this system. I don’t know in the Protestant Church or in the others Catholic Church. 

The Catholic Church of Rome today celebrated The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. It is the great solemn. I want to rewrite these some verses of the reading today. ‘For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’

It is interesting to me, maybe for you, the readers. When I hungry, you give me food. How many people without the food today? In the city of Parma, I see the people without food. They eat something before some people give them food. Four weeks ago, I had lunch with some people without food for a week. Pope Francis some days ago said that we have food for all but some people don’t have food. It means some people have more. In other words, he takes the food of others.

On the altar of Saint Cristina Church, we put the pasta and the milk. And, we put also the cross. These things are the symbol of the solemn today. The cross is the Christ, King of Universe. The pasta is the food. We want to invite the people to share with others, particularly they that don’t have food.

Parma, 23 November 2014
Happy Sunday.

From five to ten

Sunday, 16 November 2014. There are three numbers, five, two, and one. These are the number of talents that the master gives to his servants. After that, he goes long. We spend a long time on the tour. Then, he come back and meet the servants.

The servant of five talents has ten talents now. He has looked for five talents. The servant of two talents has four talents now. But, the servant of one talent has yet one talent. He doesn’t look for the others talent. He thinks, he must care this talent.

This is a parable. God gives us many talents. We must use them for the common good. But, God also gives us the main talents like faith, love, friendship, fraternity, and so on. These are the main talents must we seek in this world. My friend, Patty explained this to the children today. We have learned it from Father Luciano.

Yes, yesterday when we did the lectio divina we talked about it. In the second session, we shared our reflection, our experiences about the talent. We have talked that the talent is not identify or just reduce at the material or the money. Not. The greatest talent is the common good. We make the concretes of the talent in faith, hope, love, friendship, and so on.

Happy Sunday

The Lateran Basilica in Rome

Sunday, 11 November 2014, I remember the Basilica of Lateran in Rome, Italy. Today, the Catholic Church of Rome celebrated the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome. In the letters we read today, we can see how the home of God is very saint. The temple in the ancient and the temple in Jesus’ era were saints. The temple is the home of God. God lives there. This was the vision at that time. I think, this vision has not changed. Now, we have this vision. The temple is the home of God. In Christian or Catholic, the temple is the Church. The temple, the synagogue, the church, the mosque, and others are the home of God. We go there to meet God. 

I remember, one year a go, I have visited the Basilica of Lateran with my friend Fonsi and Sergio and Father Eugenio, SX. Long time ago, I have known this post. I have read in the story books and in the school books. Every year we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of this basilica. But, at that time, I was happy because I see the place. Not in imagining like I have seen before. It appears the great home, great building. Yes, this is the cathedral of the diocese of Rome. This basilica also is called the mother of Churches. It is the mother of all churches. I don’t find the significance of ‘all churches’. I don’t know how the meaning of all churches. There are many church, the Catholic Churches and the Protestant Churches. I think, this name was formed before the conflict in the Church. So, the mother of all churches aims the mother of the Churches of all Christians, the protestant and the catholic.
Happy Sunday all.

San Pietro in Vincoli, Ravenna, Italy.

The First and Second November

I am sorry for all. I have left again this column for a long time. I remember every Sunday, I write an article, but the last days, I have many tasks. I must leave this column. But, I always remember. I think, this is my task must I do. I cannot leave this.

In this article, I want to share my experience for two days, yesterday and today. Yesterday, we celebrated the solemnity of all saints. I have participated at Santa Cristina Church. Like the Sunday. But, the people are not completed. The children are not coming. There were just two. It’s happening because, maybe, today is Saturday. The Saturday is the fine days, the weekend. Many people take this day like the rest. Usually, many people take rest on Sunday. Not Saturday. But why today has not come? I think they take today as a holiday. So, they have two days for resting.

Father Luciano in his homily said that, we must pray for the saints. Some people have an experience with the some saints. The experience about the praying or the special relation for saints, like the adoration, and so on. Yes, the praying is like the bridge among us in the world ant they in the eternity.

Today, we celebrated the memory of the all the deaths. I want to remember my brother Yosep that has died at 2008. I love him. I pray for him. I pray every year for him. Not also in this memory, but every month, I remember and pray for him. He is my brother, my friend, which I remember always.

Yosep, thanks for your attention to me. I always remember you. I feel lost any things when you have gone and you leave me in this world. I think, you pray for me from there. You love me, love our family, love your wife, and your child, Defrin. I feel you near when I pray for you. I think you always near me, but I am not conscience your presence.

I am with them

I am always with them. Like the love between a young woman and a young man, Jesus loves us. In the gospel today, we read and listen that He is always with us. Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them

I remembered the meeting last night. May be it is not the meeting, but the praying. We meet to pray. We come from the some churches like the Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Adventist Church, and the Methodist Church. We made the meeting and then we pray the ecumenical praying.

I think we have made like the Jesus said. We meet in his name and did the praying in his name. So, He is with us in this praying and in this meeting. Jesus is always with us because He loves us. He gives us that come from the some churches the some love.

Today, I went to the Church of Sacra Stimmate in Parma city. I don’t go to the St Christina Church because I want to see how the Eucharist in another church. When we start the academic year in this diocese, we always go to the same church. I will always go to the St Christina Church. Today is the special day for me because I can participate in the mass in another church.

I love my parish, but I want to see the other parishes. The love that Jesus gives is everywhere. There is love in my parish and also in other parishes. I pray in his name so that He is always with me, with us that participate in the mass. LET US PRAY IN HIS NAME.


The love of God

PPhoto, Gordi
I want to write again this article. I leave it for some Sundays. But, today (Sunday, 30 August), I have a spirit to start again. Last Sunday I have written and, now, I want to continue. I think this topic must go on. If not, it is something that be left. 

I and my friend from Indonesia were going to the Saint Christina Church. There, I give a lecturer from the children. We talked about the love of God. In the first reading today, we listened to Jesus speak to his disciples that he must go to the Jerusalem to suffer, died, and rise again. I rewrite the phrase from the Gospel, “….he must go to Jerusalem and suffer greatly from the elders, the chief priests, and the scribes, and be killed and on the third day be raised.” 

In the next part of it Jesus gives the instruction or the conditional for someone who wants to follow Him. He must deny himself, take up his cross and follow Him. Just three words, deny-take up-and follow. And then, he said, the follower must suffer. They were facing the suffering.

I think these words are sent to us today, partly the follower of Jesus. We are facing the suffering in our lives. Many of us have the big problem, the great suffering in daily life, in social life. We hope these will be ended. I have explained this point for the children. In addition, I say again that we must go on until we arrive at the love of God. Because the cross is the symbol of the suffering, but the resurrection is the symbol of love.

We have received the love of God through our parents. They give us the love of God. We must go on this love for others suffering today.

Happy Sunday

Who is God for you?

The statue of Jesus Christ in Marini city,
Cave de’tirreni, Salerno, Italy
I make this question for the children at St Christina's parish today, Who is God for you? This is the Jesus’s question for his apostles. Like we read at the Mt 16: 13-20 today. There were many answers from them. But, before they answer I tell them my story for this holiday.

Three weeks ago, I went to the Lord, French with the pilgrim’s group of UNITALSI. There was come from Mantova, Cremona, e Lombardia. One day, a young boy made question for me, “Do you believe in God?”
“Yes, of course,” I said.
He is a Catholic so that he said again, “But, who is Jesus for you?”
“Jesus is my God, the person where, I believe, that give me Ten Commandments, that encourage me to love one another,” I said.

He didn’t make question again. He looks understand and agree with my opinion, my answer. This is the first time I heard a young boy make this question. I like if many boys makes the question. It is the question of the faith. The faith must be explained, although it’s not easy. In fact, it is more difficult so that we can’t explain.

I make this question for the children and they answer very well. Who is God for you? God is the Savior, the Redeemer, my brothers, the person who listens my pray, and so on.

Very interesting. They answer spontaneously. It is not like the answer of the student of theology, the lecturer of theology, the parish priest, and so on. The answers are very simple. I like these answers. For me, God is the guide. He gives me a guidance. So that, I must learn, I must see, I must follow, where his guidance is.

The figure of Peter that I heard today is the model of the faithful. He follows the Jesus since he meet the first time, since he knows that Jesus is his God, his teacher. The last, he realizes that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

Who is God for you? Let us explore, let us reflect this question.

Happy Sunday


I will give you rest

the photo from 4lfie
Today, I went to St Christina parish. I met Father Luciano, the parish priest. We are welcoming. I also met two of my friends, Mara e Erica, they come from the South Italia. Mara is studying in Parma and Erica is working in Fidenza, it is not far from Parma. I also met my other friends. I also met the friends from some countries of the Africa and my friends from the Philipines.

I am happy to come here. Last Sunday, I cannot come here because I followed the mass at our Sanctuary of San Guido Conforti. Yes, of course the situation is different. Today is different with the others Sunday. The people making the holiday. There are going to the mountain, the beach, the countryside. And, few went out of the country, Asia, Africa, America, Australia, and so on. One of the Italians habit's is make the holiday in another country. For someone this is a cultural so that every holiday went to the other country. So, there are little people in the church. Or, there are more people that not come to the church. Nevertheless, I am happy because the people come to the Church with their family. I see three children and more than 6 boy and girl. 

I think, maybe some people feel as tired at this time because he more doing. I know that many people want to go to the holiday and little people stay in the city. So, they stay at home or in the city doing more. But, Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, And I will give you rest." With this phrase Jesus invited us to meet him in the Church. Jesus come to us in the Eucharist. Sure, Jesus is everywhere and forever. But, I thinks there is not wrong if we come into the Church and met the others. We are in unity with the others and with Jesus. Jesus always loves us. 

Happy Sunday


The Glorious Man

Sint Peter and Paul, picture from here
Today, we celebrate the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles. I have the different experiences today. Like I do every Sunday, I follow the mass at the Saint Christina Church, but today I celebrate in our Sanctuary together our confreres and the flock. I am happily celebrating this mass in this place. I remember one moment when I followed the mass here, but I do not remember how it is because I follow it about 8 months ago. 

Saints Peter and Paul are two great apostles. Peter is an angler and Paul is an intellectual man. They are contrasting but they are also the follower of Jesus. In addition, they were the martyrs. Peter is a simple man that becomes a great man. He believed in Jesus and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". Jesus then blessed Peter. Peter is the name are given of Jesus. As we read in the gospel today, "I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys to the Kingdom of heaven." (Full text reads at Mt 16:13-19)​​.

The original name of Peter is Simon, Simon is the son of Jonah. Peter in Italian language is Pietro. Enzo Bianchi, the great Italian author said that Pietro da Pietra e non è Pietra da Pietro, the name 'Peter' comes from 'pietra'/the rock and it is not the rock from PiterYes, Peter is the rock. Jesus trust in Peter and Piter becomes the first leader of the Church. Peter is also one of the first’s apostles. 

Paul is also a great apostle. He preach the gospel to the people of many cultures. We know he has written many books. We can say that Paul is a new Peter. It means Paul continues the task of Peter. We can learn more from these apostles. 

Sint Peter, picture from Groenling
I remember the last Sunday (June 22); we celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) at our home in Ravenna. This feast is one of the important feast of the Roman Catholic Church. Jesus constituted the Eucharist at this feast. He gives his body and his blood for us. Jesus loves us. We receive this loves every day. Moreover, I am happy when at the Monday morning (June 23), we went to The Republic of San Marino. It is a small country in Italian country, like the Vatican City. Nevertheless, San Marino bigger than The Vatican City. 

I am happy writing this article today and I want to share for you, the readers my experience at two last weeks. Happy Sunday.


Photo by Steven merriewells from flickr.com

Today, I was happy because two reasons. The first, I was winning in TOMBOLA games, last night. Me and my friends played this game before the changing times (at 00.00) between 2013 and 2014. I got many gifts. There was stationary, clothes, chocolate, candy, and the others. This is the seventh time for me playing this game. It is usual for me and it is not a newly.

And there was the other reason. This morning, when followed the mass at St Christina Parish, I read the first reading in Italian Language. I was happy because I can read very well. Some people and also parish priest said, “You read very well”. I was happy hearing this remark. I think, it is time, for me to show my Italian Language. I have studied since last September ago. Thus, there were 4 months for me to studying this language.

hese reasons were the cause of my happiness. And I think it is becoming the good beginning. I hope this year, 2014, become a good year for developing my Italian Language and also my Studying in Italia. Start from this good beginning, I can go to the other thing. And, I hope you all, my reading loved in this blog, can fill this year with the good activity. Life is beautiful like the words of my friend “This year is new spirit, new hope, new life

Parma, Italy, January 1, 2014

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